Monday, May 30, 2022

They get excited over the littlest things in NYC...

New York City's special solstice is just around the corner.
Big Apple residents and visitors can catch the gorgeous "Manhattanhenge" this Memorial Day weekend as the sun sets between buildings again tonight, particularly if you're around 14th, 23rd, 34th, 42nd and 57th Streets.
The phenomenon occurs twice a year when the setting sun aligns with east-west oriented streets in New York City, weather permitting. If you can't catch it, the next opportunity will be July 12 and 13.
"Viewers can also witness the phenomenon from the Tudor City Overpass in Manhattan, or Hunter's Point South Park in Long Island City, Queens," EarthSky stated. 
"Regardless of where you watch the sunset," EarthSky added(opens in new tab), "make sure you're as far east as possible, while keeping New Jersey in the background across the Hudson River, to accentuate the effect." 

Taking pictures of the pending sunset. There are actually two people 
in the crowd at have old-tech camera things...

The name "Manhattanhenge" borrows from Stonehenge(opens in new tab), the famous English Neolithic monument whose sarsen stones and orientation with landmarks in the surrounding area are meant to reflect the movements of the sun.


  1. How many people are actually looking at the sunset and not at their camera?


What - a doll...