Saturday, May 28, 2022

Important things to think about this weekend...

 The absolute youngest a WWII veteran 
can possible be right now is 92... 
And that's only if they were able to lie about their age 
and get in to the war when they were 15 years old.
This is a local news item here in my neighborhood, but you'll be seeing less and less of these as the remaining veterans move on. The story starts out: 
Beloved World War II veteran Jack H. Hallett Sr. of Leesburg died on May 15 at the age of 101. Hallett spent the last few years of his life becoming a staple in the community by promoting aviation and working with young people at the EAA (Experimental Aircraft Association) in Leesburg. 
At the age of 99 he was given an honorary flight on a P51 Mustang, received the Quilt of Valor by the Daughters of the American Revolution on his 100th birthday and served as the guest of honor in the Georgefest (a local celebration here) parade in Eustis in 2020. He was still flying planes at 100. 
Hallett was born on Nov. 17, 1920 and enlisted in the Army Air Corps on Dec. 8, 1941, the day after Pearl Harbor. He served as a flight instructor and a P38 and P47 fighter pilot during WWII. He completed 104 missions including D-Day and the Battle of the Bulge. He was shot down by enemy fire twice and lived to tell about it. We all thank you for you service, Mr. Hallett.

I'm gonna stay away from news items a little here today. I just can't get my head around it. There's other/better things to mention and show ya. Hope you're cool with that.

My Father's mother - my Grandmother Camille - was a professional Ballroom dancer in the early 20's. Here she is at 18 years old in 1920...


That is absolutely reprehensible.
 And if you don't what that means...






"There's beauty all around you. You have to be able to see it..." 


Two years of lockdowns, social and distance restrictions, ridiculous mask and vaccine mandates are coming back to haunt all of us in ways we could have never anticipated. There's little doubt in my mind that these egregious restrictions on personal liberties contributed to the fuckin' insanity the shooters in Buffalo and Texas had to be able to do the shit they did.
Another aspect of the covid era is that we disincentivized people from wanting to (or even having to) go to work. The combination of those bullshit 'relief payments' and the ridiculously extended and overblown unemployment benefits have had the unwanted effect of destroying the work ethic in too many people. 
People have literally forgotten why it is they have to work to survive, and that attitude is destroying small businesses all over this country.
Biden can get on his high horse and claim some bullshit number that his administration has 'created' 6 million jobs or whatever, but the bigger, more important number is that there are twice as many job opening in this country than there are people unemployed. 
How the fuck does that even work? It makes no sense. And it's killing small businesses like Kenny's, and it sucks, because his BBQ was fuckin' insanely good. Juss' sayin'...


We spoke of this iconic and tragic photo yesterday, and after I posted it, I thought to myself 'I wonder how she's doing these days'. If any of you can find out anything about her, leave some info in a comment on this post. We'll all appreciate it.




American servicemen drive in jeeps through an unidentified and nearly completely destroyed town, Italy, May 1944. These guys were probably still teenagers at that time. THIS is why we honor our veterans on Memorial Day. Thank all of you who have served or supported our defenders of freedom and liberty.

This neon sign was/is in a pizza joint in downtown Belfast where my brother lives. Even though I honestly don't understand the statement or the sentiment, I just kinda dug it anyway as a piece of art. Ya follow me here?






  1. It's a song lyric

  2. Mary McHugh - all that I could find was that she was a medical student at Emory. They were to be married after his tour. He was a Sgt. in the Rangers and was killed by an IED.

  3. From a good song, too. The jeep and troops in the picture in Italy are from the 2nd Battalion, 351st Infantry Regiment, 88th Infantry Division, Wiki has a decent entry on the regiment and the division.

  4. Veterans Day is for all who served. Memorial Day is for remembering the fallen. Never wish someone a happy Memorial Day. My veteran friends were quick to point out Memorial Day wasn't for them; they were still standing.


'I have a bad feeling about this, Bradley...'

...     Is your 'special lady' friend Irish? She'd probably love to have this... Click on the picture above for information on t...