Thursday, April 28, 2022

Think about taking $ 1,600,000,000 off the table in one shot. Crazy, right?

 But that's pretty much Biden has talked about doing by cancelling student loans. It's the stupidest idea since they decided to do a remake of Footloose...  

Mr. Biden hasn’t publicly confirmed that pledge, but acting unilaterally to cancel student loans would stir division within the Democratic Party, invoke Republican opposition and likely face legal challenges.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, California Democrat, threw cold water on student debt cancellation in July by telling reporters that only Congress has the authority to eliminate student loans and that legislation to address the issue was not under discussion among House lawmakers. “The president can’t do it,” she told reporters.
She is at odds with many in her caucus. Dozens of House Democrats co-sponsored legislation introduced last year by Rep. Ayanna Pressley, Massachusetts Democrat, calling on Mr. Biden to use executive action “to broadly cancel federal student loan debt.”
Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer has called on Mr. Biden to take executive action to wipe out student loan debt. 

Okay now. Think about how truly ridiculous this idea is. For one thing, it'll add a trillion and a half plus debt to the national debt, because the Fed guaranteed those loans. They have to be paid back - by law. Also think about the ramifications this act would have on the credit markets in general. To excuse - or eliminate entirely - an entire tier of debt would destroy the underpinnings of the banking industry.
Most importantly, think about the effect doing this would do to the everyday Joe's like me and you. My first thought that it'll destroy any sense of obligation and responsibility in all of the borrowers. Secondly - and maybe more importantly - it'll piss me the fuck off to think that I paid - out of my own pocket - to go to the colleges I went to. I didn't borrow shit to go to some shit high-brow college to get some bumfuck degree in arts and entertainment that would never provide me with a living sufficient enough to be able to pay my debts. 

Fuck these fuckin' people. You borrowed the fuckin' money, now pay it the fuck back. If you don't pay your car loan, howya gonna get to work jerkoff? Try not paying your mortgage and see how long it is before you're back living in Mommy's garage.
Why are student loans somehow different from any other legal or moral obligation?


And no, that's not that bitch Madonna. It's Capucine in Paris...

A great TV ad for a really cool toy. 

I remember watching this commercial as a kid as if it was only yesterday. I think that's what happens as we get older. 
I can't remember why I just walked in to the living room, but I can remember what a girlfriend's Brocade perfume smelled like when I was 16.



Can you picture two more diverse characters who are in the same party? 

Democrats are divided over how hard to push President Biden’s agenda in the months remaining until Election Day, uncertain about how much risk to take on at a time when Biden’s approval rating is stuck just above 40 percent. 
Democratic lawmakers are growing increasingly pessimistic about scoring a big legislative victory and are split over whether it makes sense to force so-called messaging votes on the Senate floor to draw contrasts with Republicans on key issues, such as expanded access to child care, programs to fight climate change and prescription drug reform.  
Can you imagine what a cunt this broad is in real life? Holy fuck...
Some say those votes have value, while others wonder if they need to worry more about saving their imperiled Senate majority. Right now, political handicappers expect Republicans to flip the House.  
This raises questions about whether Senate Majority Leader Chuckie Schumer will bring any version of Biden’s Build Back Better agenda up for a vote before November.  
 Schumer says he isn’t giving up on the reconciliation bill but the package doesn’t seem any closer to getting done now than it appeared in January.  
“Here’s the tension: You have folks who think democracy works best if senators have to take a position by voting on proposals and then you have folks who are deeply aware that we have five colleagues in very challenging races and we should listen to them about whether they want to take show votes that make their world much harder,” said a Democratic senator who requested anonymity to talk about tension among colleagues over how hard to push for Biden’s boldest ideas. 



The night time sky at this time of year is pretty friggin' amazing. Thankfully, I live close enough to the 'countryside' (You know - farms and ranches and shit) that there isn't a terrible amount of light pollution at night. 
Orion is still high in the sky so I know someone dear to me is still out there somewhere (you had to be there in the beginning to understand that reference).

Ya think that's real? It's still pretty funny...

Honest to god this cracks me the fuck up.Who the fuck do these dipsticks at WHO think they are that they can tell the world's richest man what he can and should do? 
How  about y'all shut the fuck up and do whatever the fuck it is you do do. And I meant to say it just the way I said it. Do do. So there.

I can' be a 100% sure, but I'm pretty confident that my mother 
teaching my brother Bob how to drive back in the day...


Ya wanna know why this country's going down the shitter 
as fast as it is? Here's a great example:
Woke Oregon governor grants 'cold-blooded' killer CLEMENCY and frees him without telling his 19 year-old victim's family and she justifies it by saying murderer was 'only' 17 when he struck. 




1 comment:

  1. Government getting involved in student loans raised up the costs of colleges. Government dangling the carrot of paying off those loans just makes people like me and my boys mad as we paid for ours. Other people paid off their loans so the government will not pay them and whether they are D or R they will be pissed. Only the worthless will get paid and they are Democrats anyway. Who really wants this is the Universities who are shedding people and not getting money from people and this is why Senator Warren (Harvard Professor) wants it so bad.


Twisted Hillbilly's got a HillBetty to tuck you in tonight...

...     Have a birthday or anniversary coming up? Here's a nice idea for a simple gift that she'd really appreciate...        Click ...