Friday, April 29, 2022

It's good to have your priorities straight, isn't it?

 The same administration that hands out new crack pipes to addicts wants to ban menthol cigarettes and flavored cigars. Makes perfect sense, doesn't it... 

The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on Thursday issued a long-awaited proposal to ban menthol cigarettes and flavoured cigars, a major victory for anti-smoking advocates but one that could face stiff opposition from Big Tobacco.
The historic proposal from the administration of US President Joe Biden – which comes a year after the agency announced the plan – still needs to be finalized and could take years to implement.
For decades, menthol cigarettes have been in the crosshairs of anti-smoking groups who have argued that they contribute to disproportionate health burdens on Black communities and play a role in luring young people into smoking.
Menthol cigarettes, banned in many states including California and Massachusetts, account for more than a third of the industry’s overall market share in the US, even as overall smoking rates have been declining in the country. 

There were more than 18.5 million menthol cigarette smokers ages 12 and older in the country in 2019, with particularly high rates of use by youth, young adults, and African American and other racial and ethnic groups, the agency said.
A side note from me: I've been around smokers my whole life. I still smoke. I have never in all my years known a caucasian person (you know - somebody who ain't black) who smoked Kools. Juss' sayin'...



This is how the media fucks with us - and 
gets away with it most of the time:

The report talked about houses prices only, and focused primarily on Naples and Miami - two of the wealthiest areas in the state. This is a not-so-blatant attack on the Sunshine State, the first of many you'll start to see over the next couple of years, all designed to undermine the possibility of our Governor running for President.
TAMPA, Fla. (WFLA) — Orange you glad you moved to Florida? The state’s now home to the least affordable places to live in the U.S., according to multiple studies covering rental costs, home prices and income. reported Tampa’s average rent for a one-bedroom apartment was $1,682, up 32.4% since the year before. In St. Petersburg, it’s $1,890 or 19.6% higher than 2021. Orlando? $2,061, up 38.2%. In Jacksonville, rent costs were up 11.2% to $1,401 per month. Miami rent for a one-bedroom was reported at $2,744 per month, up 21.6%. Two-bedroom rental costs were even higher.
Miami ranked No. 1, with a 55.3% increase over the year before, and Orlando ranked second with a 35.4% increase. Jacksonville was eighth with 24.9% higher rent compared to 2021. The study by said the Sun Belt had the “lowest rental affordability” in the U.S.

Another one of those stupid 'memories' things on Fakebook that popped up yesterday. When we bought this house in Florida six years ago, we were still living in Jersey. I'd come down every coupla weeks and work on the place. The very first thing I did, however, was to set up the back of the garage as a shop for myself, because I was bringing a lifetime's worth of tools down with me. I gotta say - it's served me well.

One of my all-time favorite movie characters.

Another very 'southern' thing that I like about living here. 
Azaleas, roses and Magnolia trees are in full bloom in April 
and May here. Life is good and the weather's perfect.

Today's kids couldn't get the importance of these if they tried. 
Sad for them. Not just the photo booths but the whole 
'arcade concept' as we knew it...


The premier of the British Virgin Islands (BVI) has been arrested in a sting operation in Miami on charges of conspiring to import cocaine into the United States and money laundering.
The BVI governor, John Rankin, confirmed in a statement that Andrew Fahie had been arrested on Thursday morning, saying: “I realise this will be shocking news for people in the territory. And I would call for calm at this time.”
Oleanvine Maynard, the manager director of the Caribbean territory’s port authority, and her son Kadeem were also detained in the operation. 

A view of Road Town, Tortola in the British Virgin Islands. The BVI's are home to some of the best sailing waters in the world. I've sailed there for over 40 years and have a great number of friends who still live down there. It's a glorious spot.

Court papers filed in Florida alleged Fahie, who was also referred to as “head coach”, was involved in conspiracy to import at least 5kg of cocaine and money laundering between 16 October last year and 28 April 2022.
DEA agents allege in the documents that Oleanvine and Kadeem Maynard agreed with undercover agents – who were posing as members of Mexico’s Sinaloa cartel – to set up a meeting between Lebanese Hezbollah operatives and Fahie in order to establish a place to store thousands of kilograms of drugs arriving from Colombia.
The plan offered by the agents was to store the drug, bundled inside 5kg buckets of paint, in the BVI for one or two days before shipment to Miami or New York, the papers said.
Fahie and Oleanvine Maynard were arrested at a Miami airport after being invited by undercover agents to see a shipment of $700,000 in cash that BVI officials expected to receive for their part in the alleged plot, the court papers alleged.

I know it's only his hat, but look at it again. Looks like his 
friggin' head popped off, don't it?

There are people out there who make a living compiling data like this. Amazing, isn't it, what you can do to earn your keep?

Here's a thought - if only seven or so percent of Americans are gay or LGBTQXYZABC or whatever the fuck, why are they in the news and in our faces every fuckin' day, every fuckin' where all the fuckin' time? Asking for a friend who's sick and tired of all this woke bullshit.

Now THERE is a great idea of something to do on a vacation. Drive around the countryside inside a cage and get pissed on by a pissed off lion. People are just so fuckin' stupid, ain't they?

If you ever start to think like a lawyer thinks, would you please do us all a favor and drive off a fuckin' cliff please? Thank you in advance...
Remember, guys - Mother's Day is very important to them, 
and it's eight days away. If you order before next Tuesday, 
you'll get your item in time... 

Click on the picture to see the new stuff she has up in her shop.

This is a place called 'Casa Batló' in Barcelona, Spain. This kinda stuff makes my toes tingle. Built at a time when pleasing the eye was almost more important than functionality at a rich man's whim. Whether it's to your taste or not, it is pretty spectacular.

Yeah, right. If I thought of her as my mother I'd still be living in my parent's house. 
That's creepy as fuck, but you know what I mean...


Daytona Beach in the 1950's. Looks pretty much exactly the same today, just different.


Crazy old fuck - I almost miss him Almost...



  1. When I smoked, Kool Milds were my choice. God, I am so glad I quit those things but on my cross country drives to see my clients, that pack on the dash was my best friend.

  2. #1 & 2...Think blacks are turning against Biden now?! Wait until the administration bans menthols.

    #21...Anybody who lets their kids/grandkids watch this stuff is nothing but a groomer themselves.'s so cute! Wrong. Groomer.

  3. Guess there will be a different version of "Lightyear" for the Chinese audiences. They don't cotton to that kind of thing, and Disney swims in their spit.

  4. Is a groomer like a hairdresser or somebody who does dogs...


Twisted Hillbilly's got another HillBetty to tuck you in tonight...

...     Have a birthday or anniversary coming up? Here's a nice idea for a simple gift that she'd really appreciate...        Click ...