Thursday, April 28, 2022

Great weed movies are out there - yo just have to find them...

 I'm not sure if they're 'weed movies', movies 'about weed' or just movies with weed as a major sub-plot, but most of these are pretty good for what they are... 

Before there was "Chappelle's Show," Dave Chappelle and Neal Brennan wrote "Half Baked," the story of a janitor and his pothead friends who are forced to become pot dealers after one of them accidentally kills a diabetic police horse. Chappelle plays both the janitor and rapper Sir Smoka Lot, and the film features cameos from Willie Nelson, Snoop Dogg and a pre-"Daily Show" Jon Stewart. Sure, you've probably seen this movie, but have you seen it — on weed?

The granddaddy of all pot comedies, "Up In Smoke" is the first of many Cheech and Chong joints. The loose plot involves a van made entirely of weed, border-crossing and a Battle of the Bands. The duo would go on to make seven more movies together, and while there were plans for an "Up In Smoke 2" at one point, it seems appropriate that they'd stop at the eighth.

Harold and Kumar are like Cheech and Chong's slightly more ambitious nephews, who have to overcome racist cops, crazy truckers, extreme sports punks, an escaped cheetah and a maniacal, womanizing Neil Patrick Harris to get to their delicious burgers. This spawned two sequels and also launched NPH's subsequent comedic career.

Sean Penn may have two Best Actor Oscars, but he's never been better than as surfer-stoner Jeff Spicoli, who orders pizza to class, wrecks Forest Whitaker's car in a joyride and constantly clashes with history teacher Mr. Hand. Maybe Penn could have avoided some of his later clashes with the law if he'd taken a lesson from Spicoli and smoked some weed to mellow out. Then he could have said, "Aloha, criminal record!"

Broken Lizard's cult classic features a bunch of slacker highway patrolmen whose lives of mischief, syrup-chugging and messing with intoxicated motorists is interrupted by having to investigate actual crimes, including murder and drug-smuggling. The movie got a sequel this year, 17 years after the original, because stoners can't get anything done on time.

This Coen Brothers cult classic is essentially a stoner noir, where instead of a detective, we follow The Dude, an aging pothead and dedicated bowler. There's mistaken identity, fake kidnappings, fertility scams, severed toes, hallucinogenic bowling-themed dream sequences, and a volcanic John Goodman performance. The Dude remains befuddled throughout, though all he wants is his rug replaced. But he's way out of his element!

And then we have the ultimate - the greatest 
weed movie of all time, hands down...
Though not intentionally a comedy, "Reefer Madness" is a church-funded anti-cannabis morality tale that has aged into one of the more hilarious things one can watch under the influence. Crazed reefer users murder each other, run down pedestrians and go insane, all due to the effects of the devil's weed. The film ends with a school principal ominously warning that the next tragedy could be your own children, but there's nothing more tragic than the filmmakers' belief they made something of quality. 


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