Friday, April 1, 2022

Flip-flop Fauci just proved to all of us what a jackass he is...

 Chief White House jackass Dr. Anthony (Flip-flop) Fauci said during a televised interview with the BBC this week that he doesn't believe it can be known if the COVID-19 lockdowns and restrictions were worth the unintended costs to people. 
He finally admitted to all of us just how fuckin' stupid all of his advice to us was during the covid bullshit. 

"I don't think we're ever going to be able to determine what the right balance is," Fauci said during an interview on the BBC's Sunday Morning television broadcast. "I think the restrictions, if you want to use that word, which I tend to shy away from, lockdowns, certainly prevented a lot of infections, prevented a some hospitalizations, and prevented a couple of deaths. There's no doubt about that." 

He did say that the level of "restrictions on society" imposed during the two years of the pandemic led to "unintended, negative consequences," such as children not attending school and the psychological effects it could have on them, and the 'economic stress' that the restrictions placed on individual families and the national economy. 

He did not mention anything about the tens of thousands 
of family-owned and small businesses that were destroyed by the lockdowns and restrictions, because who the fuck would wanna be responsible for destroying people's lives and livelihoods, 
right, ya fuckin' jerkoff?
I hope he drives off a cliff sometime next week.

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1 comment:

  1. It would be good if Biden, peeloosely, scummer, and hairy ass were in the back seat when fauci drives off that cliff....


At some point, somebody's gotta hold Fauci's feet to the fire, don'tcha think?

The confirmation is welcomed but the news is not new, as taxpayer watchdog White Coat Waste Project (WCW) has continued to bring these reali...