Tuesday, March 22, 2022

This nonsense with the phones has to stop.

 Anybody know who thought it was a good idea to put a camera in to a phone? It's turning people in to bigger idiots than they already were...  

Just a little personal bitch-fest about people 
and their not-so-mild addictions.



A quick word about the ads that Google places on the blog: I know sometimes they're a pain in the ass, but having them is a very small price to pay for what Google does for  me - and for you guys, too. Ya see, they provide this 'Blogger' platform free of charge to me and others and give us the tools to craft our blog posts the way we like to. That, plus the fact that they pay me a (very small) commission on the ads is a win for all of us, really.
One thing you have to know about the ads - some are really dumb and you probably have no idea why you're seeing them, right? Well, I have no idea either. I cannot see the ads that they're displaying to you. Your surfing and search patterns determine how the algorithms decide what and when they're gonna show you. I have ZERO control over that. The only controls they do give me are what ads I think you shouldn't see (like those jerkoff click-bait websites).


Smartphones are the ultimate displacement activity. Seventy per cent of people turn to their phones when they’re on their own in a crowd, to make themselves look busier — 60 per cent have texted a friend in the same building rather than walking the few yards to see them.

Women are the worst culprits - using their phones for an average 23 minutes a day more than men. And the younger we are, the worse the condition gets. 
'Adults' between 18 and 24 spend four hours, 20 minutes a day on their smartphones. 
But even the over-55s - who grew up in that long-lost, magical land where people actually talked to each other - use them for two and a quarter hours a day.


Two-thirds of us, according to researchers, have found ourselves like zombies, using our phones without really knowing why; whipping them out as a reflex gesture.


The actual act of using your phone is not the problem, but instead the amount of time it adds to sitting on the toilet can be a danger to us.
The study found that those who used their cell phone on the toilet had a higher rate of hemorrhoids.  

Though the rate was not significant, medical professionals still warn that sitting on the toilet for a prolonged period of time can lead to hemorrhoid problems.




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