Monday, March 21, 2022

The things we try very hard to see are worth looking at...

 But their mere presence and distance from us 
is almost impossible to comprehend...  

This is the “eye” of a galaxy called NGC 1097, located 48 million light-years from Earth. This image not only reveals the heart of this barred spiral galaxy, but also the intricacy of the web of stars and dust at its center, with long tendrils of dust seen in a dark red hue.  

The finely detailed structure of this galaxy is captured thanks to two Hubble instruments: the Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) and the Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS).
Although not intuitive, a single image can be captured with the use of two different cameras. To put this in perspective, our eyes can detect light waves at optical wavelengths between 380 and 750 nanometers, using three types of receptors.
On the other hand, a telescope camera like the WFC3 or ACS is sensitive to a single, broad range of wavelengths to maximize the amount of light collected. Raw images from telescopes are always in grayscale, only showing the amount of the light captured across all those wavelengths.
With the help of filters, however, telescopes can produce color images. By sliding a filter over the aperture of an instrument like the WFC3 or ACS, only light from a very specific wavelength range shines through.
In this particular image, one such filter is for green light (555 nanometers). This results in a grayscale image showcasing only the amount of light with that wavelength, allowing astronomers to add color when processing the image. This multicolor image of NGC 1097 is composed of images using seven different filters in total.



Keep an image like this dear to your heart remembering what our Father's generation did for us so unselfishly...

Was 85 here yesterday.


Hopefully he'll be okay. I can't even imagine what would happen 
if Plugs actually got to put two Supremes in...





Need a great gift idea? The jewelry my
 wife makes may be perfect for you. 
Click on this picture:



If they had opposable thumbs they'd be dangerous...

Couldn't happen to a nicer buncha guys...
Shares of Facebook and Instagram parent Meta have plummeted 
more than 40% over the past six months - and some employees 
saddled with underwater stock options are eyeing the exits.

A new-hire Meta employee who was given $100,000 worth 
of restricted stock units around the company’s September 
stock peak would now be left with roughly $57,000.

This meme may be 10 years old but it's still
 pretty fuckin' funny. Juss' sayin'...




So it'd become a weekend project for a year or so for someone (like me). You'd get rid of the wreck and somebody'd get a free boat. Why can't these fuckin' people think outside the box for like three seconds? Jeezzzzzz.

Back in my advertising biz days I'da killed 
for a client like these guys.






  1. Yep, still winter. -8 on the drive into work today.

  2. Two Fingers was vile tequila.
    But the "we're not even going to bother with a subtle double entendre" ads were the best. The 70s ruled.

    1. That's too cool - I JUST did a post about Cheryl Ladd...


Kids these days, huh?