Sunday, March 20, 2022

Rat on a Russkie, win a stuffed animal or something...

The US Government has announced potential $5million payouts to Americans offering information leading to seizure of assets belonging to Russian oligarchs. The rewards, announced Wednesday by the Treasury Department, come as part of an effort by US officials to sanction individuals supporting the war in Ukraine
Sanctions by the US and several other Western nations have seen countries across Europe confiscate Russian businessmen' yachts, mansions, and jets. The new guidance, however, dubbed the 'Kleptocracy Asset Recovery Rewards Program,' could offer payouts of more than $5m in some cases, feds said
Assets can include yachts, jets, investments and properties owned by the rich Russians - like jewelry and art - only if they are situated in the US.





When I first saw the headline I thought it was a gold thing. Ya know - getting a Nobel Prize (you know, like the one Obama got before he every bombed a single Arab) has more meaning than any of these stupid fuckin' awards these Hollywood morons like to give out to each other. That has to be the ass-kissing capital of the world. I wouldn't give ya a dime for any of 'em. Juss' sayin'...



I'm not even exactly sure what this guy does - I guess he's a rapper, right? Anyway, I gotta believe he'll be jumping off a bridge or swallowing a barrel sometime in the near future 'cause this motherfucker is stone-cold nuts.


Aerorozvidka (Aerial Reconnaissance) is being used to attack Russian drones and target Vladmir Putin's army of tanks and track down their positions in the conflict, which has been ongoing since February 24. Drones used in the field are able to use the newly available Starlink to keep connected and provide intelligence as internet and power outages plague Ukraine.
With the technology, the drones can be directed to drop anti-tank munitions to help ward off the Russian attack. 
The so-far-successful implementation of the satellites into the defense of the war-torn nation makes good on a promise outspoken mogul Musk - who challenged Putin to a fist fight for the future of Ukraine earlier this week - made to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky earlier in the month, that SpaceX will send more Starlink satellite stations to provide internet to some of the country's stricken cities. The president of the embattled country took to Twitter to thank the Tesla CEO, 50, for the support, and invited the tech mogul to visit Ukraine once the war is over.
Ya gotta admire the guy's optimism if nothing else...

Need a great gift idea? The jewelry my
 wife makes may be perfect for you. 
Click on this picture:

I'm tellin' ya - these fuckers are liquid...

Jughead looks kinda villainous here, don't he?


Speaking of clusterfucks - it's almost like Disney has become the 'How can we fuck up today' center of the universe of fuck-ups.
Walt Disney World has reportedly denounced a routine by a high school drill team that was accused of “racism” and borrowing from Native American stereotypes during a recent performance there.
Video shot March 15 of the Port Neches-Groves High School Indianettes from Texas shows the all-women squad dressed in purple with white fringe as they march and dance - seemingly borrowing from Native culture - while also chanting, “Scalp ’em, Indians, scalp ’em.”
The footage of the group, who were invited to perform in Orlando, sparked a backlash by Native American officials who called their act “dehumanizing.”
They're a little off on their bitching, though. 'Dehumanizing' is what you're doing when you're scalping someone, which is something I think those buffalo-hunting, face-painted motherfuckers invented.


Buddy of mine sent me this yesterday. Isn't NJ where all the oil terminals and 
tanks and shit are? Why are they a full dollar a gallon higher than we are here 
in the middle of friggin' nowhere? That doesn't make sense.

Victoria Principal - another TV babe I was seriously in 
love with. Wonder what she looks like these days...








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