Thursday, March 10, 2022

If you had Covid and you think you're losing your mind...

 You may be right, sad to say... 

I really gotta figure out a way to weasel myself into this 
whole 'study' business. There has to be a shitload of money 
to made there - why else would they being doing 
so friggin' many of them?
Infection by SARS-CoV-2 causes a dizzying array of symptoms beyond the respiratory distress that is its most notable feature. These range from intestinal distress to blood clots to the loss of smell, and symptoms vary wildly from person to person.
Figuring out exactly what the virus does inside the human body is likely to take years. 
Did Joe had Covid? That may explain a lot...

We got a bit of data this week from a detailed study of images of the brains of COVID patients. The images were taken before and after the patients were infected. The results suggest some regions of the brain connected to the olfaction system (the bodily structures that serve the sense of smell) may shrink slightly in the wake of an infection, although the effect is minor and its consequences are unclear.
He mighta had it before anyone else... 

So, your brain is getting smaller. The fact that you can't smell how much life stinks laety isn't just because Biden is President, but hey, even that could be a contributing factor, huh?

Need a great gift idea? The jewelry my wife makes may 
be perfect for you. Click on this picture to see this item:


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