Friday, March 11, 2022

I guesses Jussie jus' gonna gotsta do some time and other silliness...

 I have to lead with this story this morning because I think this guy must be one of the most pitiful, needy and totally fuckin' worthless people on the planet... 
Plus it IS one of the funniest/stupidest news items to come out of Chicago in a really long time. Juss' sayin'... Him and his Nigerian buddies.

Smollett maintained his innocence during his sentencing hearing Thursday after a judge sentenced the former “Empire” actor to 150 days in jail for lying to police about a racist and homophobic attack that he orchestrated himself.
Cook County Judge James Linn sentenced Smollett to 30 months of felony probation, including 150 days in the county jail. Linn denied a request to suspend Smollett‘s sentence and ordered he be placed in custody immediately. Smollett was also ordered to pay $120,106 in restitution to the city of Chicago.
Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot slammed Jussie Smollett Thursday and said the former “Empire” actor’s sentence for faking a hate crime should send a message to others who’d make bogus claims.
“The criminal conviction of Jussie Smollett by a jury of his peers and today’s sentencing should send a clear message to everyone in the City of Chicago that false claims and allegations will not be tolerated,” Lightfoot said in a statement after Smollett was sentenced to 150 days in jail by a Chicago judge.
“The malicious and wholly fabricated claim made by Mr. Smollett resulted in over 1500 hours of police work that cost the City over $130,000 in police overtime,” she went on. “The City feels vindicated in today’s ruling that he is being held accountable and that we will appropriately receive restitution for his actions.”


Find the typo in today's post. I purposely left it in 
to see if you guys are paying attention...

Doubleheaders will return to nine-inning games apiece, and 
extra innings will no longer start with a runner on second base. 
These past two seasons, doubleheader games each had seven innings. 
Both leagues will now employ the designated hitter, hopefully 
generating more runs and more exciting play.
Functionally, what this means is baseball games will very 
likely be longer on average than they have been these past 
two seasons. Also close to self-evident is that no longer having a 
runner in scoring position in extra innings will expand game times 
as well. That was just plain stupid. 

All along, the players argued for a return to normalcy, and it was 
the owners who wanted to inject all this stupid new shit into the games. 







Putin's war on freedom of expression in Russia appeared to be fraying at the edges on Thursday after guests on Kremlin-backed TV defied Moscow and openly criticised the brutal war in Ukraine, calling the invasion 'even worse than Afghanistan' (right). Guests have refused to support the narrative pushed through by television hosts on Putin's request that Russia has been conducting a 'special operation' to 'demilitarise' and 'de-Nazify' Ukraine - claims dismissed as baseless pretexts by Kyiv and her partners in the West. One who appeared on one of Russia 1's prime time talk show rebelled by referring to the USSR's disastrous invasion of Afghanistan in 1979 which ended in withdrawal ten years later. Historians argue that Moscow's failure in Afghanistan, in which thousands of Red Army troops were killed, fuelled disillusionment among millions of people in the Soviet Union and ultimately helped to bring about the collapse of the 'Evil Empire' into a heap of rust.


Need a great gift idea? The jewelry my wife makes may 
be perfect for you. Click on this picture to see this item:





The closest White Castle to me is actually the only one in the entire 
State of Florida, and it's actually the largest single store they've ever built, but it doesn't do me must good. It's in Orlando about an hour and twenty minutes from me. 
There's a Facebook group called 'Bring White Castle to Florida' that has over 11,200 members, so you'd think they'd hip up and open more stores here. I would fuckin' kill for one near me. Juss' sayin'...


Wifey got this from one of her jewelry 
customers last night. Thanks for the feedback 
and the compliments, Pat...


Goddamnitall - I friggin' KNEW there had to 
be some kinda connection. The devil's music...





  1. On Jussie Smellit, Retired Chitcago cop with over 30yrs,there are so many of these phony pukes out there it is unbelievable, the shitty and crook county used to just settle these cases with minimal amounts and you never got a chance to vindicate yourself.Finally for once justice prevailed

    1. did you see Kim Foxx has already come out and said that the sentence was too stiff, she thought the judge let himself get caught up in mob mentality

  2. There is always Krystal! Or are they not good enough for you?

    1. I meant Krystal burgers...

    2. The put mustard on 'em instead of ketchup - WTF is THAT all about?

    3. You are unable to apply your own ketchup???

  3. This really guy is?....found one, anyway....

  4. Yep baseball is back. They will play all 162 I guess, probably will have to have 3-4 doubleheaders. Both leagues have the DH now, 2 more teams added to the play-offs, and a new draft system installed with the hopes of preventing teams from tanking. Whew! I don't know about you but I am so happy this battle between billionaire owners and millionaire players is over. it was keeping my mind off the Ukraine for crissakes


Good night, darling...