Thursday, March 10, 2022

How can Joe screw this up?

 Why do we even bother having any kind of Legislature - he obviously doesn't believe in 'em. He certainly loves them Executive Orders of his... 

President Joe Biden on Wednesday signed another executive order on government oversight of cryptocurrency that urges the Federal Reserve to explore whether the central bank should jump in and create its own digital currency.
Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said the effort would “promote a fairer, more inclusive, and more efficient financial system” while countering illicit finance and preventing risks to financial stability and national security.
The 'Biden administration' views the explosive popularity of cryptocurrency as an opportunity to examine the risks and benefits of digital assets, said a senior administration official who previewed the order Tuesday on the condition of anonymity, terms set by the White House.
Under the executive order, Biden also directed the Treasury Department and other federal agencies to study the impact of cryptocurrency on financial stability and national security.





Oxitec, the firm based in Abingdon, UK, that developed the mosquitoes, has previously field-tested the insects in Brazil, Panama, the Cayman Islands and Malaysia.
But until now, owing to a circuitous series of regulatory decisions and pushback from Florida residents (see ‘A long road’), no genetically engineered mosquito had been trialled in the United States — even though the country previously allowed tests of a genetically engineered diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella) in New York and an engineered pink bollworm (Pectinophora gossypiella) in Arizona, both developed by Oxitec. “When something new and revolutionary comes along, the immediate reaction of a lot of people is to say: ‘Wait.’,” says Anthony James, a molecular biologist focused on bioengineered mosquitoes at the University of California, Irvine. “So the fact that [Oxitec] was able to get the trial on the ground in the United States is a big deal.”

It must be terribly disheartening to know that you write stories and headlines like this 
for a living. I can't even imagine what a low-life fuckin' scumbag the photographer has to be to actually want to make a living doing shit like this. It gives me the willies just thinking about these people.




Before she was Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi and her 
first husband Chino owned a string of these franchises in 
and around San Francisco...


House Democrats last night finally passed a $1.5 trillion 
omnibus (whatever the fuck THAT means) spending bill after hours of delay and Democrat confusion.
House Democrats passed the $1.5 trillion omnibus spending bill, which was separated into two votes. The first half, focusing on security funding, passed with 361 votes for and 69 votes against the provision. The second half, featuring the remainder of the spending, passed with 260 votes for and 171 against the measure.
The last time the Government had an actual budget was sometime between the Civil War and the Great Depression.


Who do these guys think they're bullshitting? 
Fish ain't got no friggin' fingers...

If that isn't liquid,
I don't know what is...


Special occasion coming up soon? My
 wife's handmade jewelry is a great idea.
 Click on the picture for information on this bracelet.




  1. Wait a second, isn't Travis Barker a white guy?? That can't be right. I did take the time to look this guy up what an ugly Em Effer he is


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