Friday, February 11, 2022

What if the truckers really do mess with the Super Bowl?

I would actually pay to see them do it, but it's not 
up to me and you - they gotta wanna do it... 

The Department of Homeland Security says it has received reports that truck drivers who are protesting vaccine mandates will block roads in major cities in the coming weeks. The protests could potentially affect the Super Bowl in Los Angeles on Sunday and the State of the Union address in Washington, D.C., on March 1, according to an internal memo from DHS obtained by NPR.
The memo, which went out on Tuesday, was issued by the department's Office of Intelligence and Analysis, Current and Emerging Threats Center. 
The memo says there are currently no threats of violence, but the protest has the potential to "severely disrupt" traffic, emergency routes and federal government operations.







The only one of their album covers that has the fifth Beatle on it.

"DHS is tracking reports of a potential convoy that may be planning to travel to several U.S. cities. We have not observed specific calls for violence within the United States associated with this convoy and are working closely with our federal, state and local partners to continuously assess the threat environment."

My wife found this. She says that's what I look like when I'm putting 
a post together. Nice girl, that whatshername...


Thinking about getting a nice gift for 
your wife, your daughter or your Mom? 
The jewelry my wife makes is not expensive and it will 
make a really nice gift for someone special to you. 

Click on the picture for information about this item

Click on the picture for information about this item
 See all that she has to offer in her 'store' by clicking on this link:


 Ellie the potbellied pig snuggles up to Wyverne Flatt when he watches TV and sometimes rolls over to let him pet her belly. The 110-pound pig is "family," Flatt says, an emotional support animal who helped him through a divorce and the death of his mother. Officials in his upstate village of Canajoharie see it very differently. To them, the pig is a farm animal Flatt is harboring in the village illegally.
The case could soon be headed to a criminal trial. But it has already caught the attention of pig partisans who believe the animals should be respected more as companions instead of just a food source.
And you thought my Cousin Bradley was 
fucked up in the head? Jeezzzzzzzz.




Here where I live in The Villages - "America's friendliest home town" - around 145,000 or so people live full time. It's estimated that there are somewhere like 70,00 golf carts just in this one development. You can look up the stats on your own if you wanna, but this whole golf cart mindset thing is funny because it is SO important to so many of these people here. There are probably thousands of them that don't even own cars. The cart is their sole means of transportation. 
There are no food stores or gas stations in my neighborhood - they're all located across the highway from us, so The Villages actually built a bridge that is solely for the use of people travelling in a golf cart. That's it in the picture. There are two more more modern ones in the development also. Like I said, they take this golf cart shit serious down here, Bubba...


What a great picture - check out this cool dude with his 1947 Chevrolet Fleetmaster convertible in Spring Lake, New Jersey. That's the original  Essex and Sussex Hotel in the background.


Anne Frank’s father Otto, revisiting the 
attic where they hid. He was the only surviving 
family member. This picture taken in 1960




  1. As far as the truckers go I'd love to see them Ef up the Super Bowl and or the State of the Union. But both would be tough at this point. The Canada shut down had kind of an element of surprise thing going and the authorities never thought this thing would gain any traction. Steven Bishop's Little Italy,is a classic. Always has me wondering why so many people never heard of the song. I play it every time I'm out at a bar and always have people asking me who this is. I think this song should've attracted a couple of bigger named stars but it hasn't

    1. The song is very special to me for a very specific reason...

    2. I think you would've had to have spent some time in Little Italy to appreciate the song more. My sister lived in NYC for 15-16 years and I'd come out twice a year and never missed at least one trip to a couple of the haunts down there, never disappointed

  2. Your neighbors must be rich; "70,000 gold carts?" Typo.

  3. Sounds like NPR is prepping people to believe a false flag operation.


Computer dating - Playboy style...