Sunday, February 13, 2022

Picking the hottest cheerleaders is the hardest job in the world.

 I'm not up to the task - you guys figure out which one you like best and let us know... 











Have a birthday, an anniversary or some
 other special occasion that calls for a gift? 
Find her something nice 
from my wife's jewelry collection.
Here's one of the newer items - click on the picture: 
Click on the picture for information about this item










Need a gift for a loved one? My wife's 
handmade jewelry is a great idea.

 Click on the picture for information on this item.


If I did have to pick out of all these girls, this would be 
the one I'd wanna be stranded on an island with...




  1. Which team is the one with the "cheerleader" with its own "sausage"? Not among these, hopefully!

    1. I think it's the Rams, actually. Surprised those scumbags didn't do a feature on him/it/whatever during the broadcast.

  2. Baselines matter. 6.6 million jobs gained in 2021 after losing how many in 2020 due this covid nonsense? This Biden administration is a bunch of lying idiots if they think we don't understand that we were coming out of a deep hole in 2021 created by their duplicity.
