Thursday, February 17, 2022

Joe's consumed with worry about the border...

 Too bad the border he's jacked up about is in the middle of friggin' Eastern Europe and not our own Southern Border... 

He's so concerned about Ukraine he sent his No. 1
Ace problem solver to Munich to take care of it.

Border Guru Kamala Harris will travel to Munich today or tomorrow for a security conference meant to boost Ukraine against the backdrop of a potential invasion by Russia.
The veep’s appearance at the Munich Security Conference, scheduled to take place Feb. 18-20, “will demonstrate our ironclad commitment to our NATO Allies, reaffirm our shared interest in upholding the principles that have underpinned European peace and security since World War II, and underscore our commitment to Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity,” the White House said in a statement.
Biden addressed the Munich conference virtually last year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, although he has no recollection of any of it.






8,000,000,000 CHICKENS.Think about it...

Vice President Kamala Harris hasn’t been to our own 
southern border to address a crisis she was tasked to help fix - but a children’s book she wrote was waiting there in a facility for young migrants who are being welcomed into the country.
Unaccompanied migrant kids are being brought from the U.S.-Mexico border to a new shelter in Long Beach, Calif., where a copy of her 2019 children’s book, “Superheroes are Everywhere,” was sitting on a cot.


I'm confused on this one. You mean you can't bring a glass of wine 
with you wherever you go? The article didn't even say if there 
was wine in the wine glass. Great reporting there, Skippy...


Have a birthday, an anniversary or some
 other special occasion that calls for a gift? 
Find her something nice 
from my wife's jewelry collection.
Here's one of the newer items - click on the picture: 
Click on the picture for information about this item

Sen. Dianne Feinstein ’s approval ratings have plummeted to unprecedented lows as California voters turn against their senior senator, according to a new poll from the Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies.
Voters disapproved of Feinstein’s job performance by an enormous 19 point margin. Her standing has steadily eroded, with her approval rating - now at just 30 percent - dropping 5 points since May.
 She does not command majority approval among Democrats, topping out at 45 percent, and she has lost the left, with Democrats who consider themselves “strongly liberal” more likely to disapprove by 5 points.
Vice President Kamala Harris also fared poorly in her home state. More voters disapproved of her job performance (46 percent) than approved (38 percent) - a sign of 'political peril' for Harris, whose ascension was a point of pride in California.


The House select committee of jerkoffs investigating the 
Capitol attack is considering issuing a subpoena to Ivanka Trump to force her cooperation with the inquiry into Donald Trump’s efforts to return himself to power on 6 January, according to a source familiar with the matter.
Any move to subpoena Ivanka Trump -  forcing a member of Trump’s own family to testify against him - would mark a dramatic escalation in the 6 January inquiry that could amount to a treacherous legal and political moment for the former president.
The panel is not expected to take the crucial step for the time being, the source said, and the prospect of a subpoena to the former president’s daughter emerged in discussions about what options remained available after she appeared to refuse a request for voluntary cooperation.
But the fact that members on the select committee have started to discuss a subpoena suggests they believe it may ultimately take such a measure – and the threat of prosecution should she defy it – to ensure her appearance at a deposition on Capitol Hill.


I learned very early in my life that threats 
are worthless. If you're going to do something,
don't broadcast it beforehand. Just do it.


Wholesale retailer Sam’s Club is offering $8 memberships to new members 
until Thursday as part of a Super Bowl promotion. This means new Sam’s Club members will pay $37 less than the sticker price of $45. As part of the promotion, the new membership price is the same as the yard line the football was at during the two-minute warning in the fourth quarter of the Super Bowl.
The nearest Costco to me is in friggin' Orlando - an hour away, so we've gotten used to using Sam's Club. If you're not a member, this is a good deal. If you are a member you should want then to give you a refund on what you paid for your membership - dig what I mean?
As far as I'm concerned, Sams owes me 37 bucks. 

Yeah - and the tats are a great statement, too, Chet...


Need a gift for a loved one? My wife's 
handmade jewelry is a great idea.

 Click on the picture for information on this bracelet.



Know what's the best thing about having a blog of your own blog? 
Well, there's two actually - first is the fact that I can say and do what ever the fuck I want on here (within reason of course). 
Second is how friggin' cool it is that so many thousands of you guys like it enough here that you stop by regularly. 
I'm thinking I know I'm kinda twisted and a lot of what I say and put on here may not make sense to many normal people, so I guess you all are kinda twisted too - otherwise why're ya here, right? Well done, my blog-readin' buddies...

Cats are liquid...




1 comment:

  1. Re: The VP's trip to Munich: Here we see the beginning of the Beautification of Kamala, and the Minimization of Joe.

    I wonder what form the "Appeasement at Munich" will take this time around.


'We'll always have Paris. And Playboy.' Here's looking at you, kid...

...    Why do I do what I do here on the blog? Being able to present what my wife creates is the best reason  I have  for doing this, and be...