Sunday, February 20, 2022

It's a 24/7 gig Joe. Didn't you know that?


Biden wants to leave Washington more and promote his policies 
directly to the 'American people', but outside circumstances - such as the never-ending saga of this covid shit, racism running rampant in his mind or the threat of war between Russia and Ukraine - keep pulling him back to the White House.
The president went to Ohio this week, an important state for Democrats in the upcoming midterms, but he faced questions on if he should have taken the trip at all after warning that Russia could invade Ukraine in the next several days - as if staying in Washington would have made any difference...
Biden in a press conference in mid-January lamented that he hadn’t traveled the country to meet face-to-face with voters enough in his first year in office.
He also bitched about not getting to his beach house enough, that is if he can remember where it is...


  1. He wears the mask because he’s a freakin’ maroon!

  2. Easier to pass off a double?

    Mark in PA
