Sunday, February 6, 2022

If they don't like what you do, why do they exist?

 GoFundMe sets up a platform so you can send charitable donations to a cause, but what if they don't like your cause? They become GoFuckMe... 

The website decided they didn't like what the money was originally raised for, so it arbitrarily decided to spread it out elsewhere. People who had donated to the cause went batshit over this decision. Facing a potential fraud investigation by the state of Florida, GoFundMe reversed a decision to redistribute money given by thousands of donors to the Canadian "Freedom Convoy" protesting COVID-19 regulations.
On Friday, the crowdfunding platform GoFundMe froze the convoy's official campaign, claiming law enforcement convinced the company that the convoy had become violent and unlawful.
GoFundMe encouraged donors to submit a refund form, and said that any funds not properly returned to donors would be donated to a charity chosen by the Freedom Convoy. Within hours, however, GoFundMe walked back the refund applications, instead announcing it would be refunding donors automatically.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said that he would "investigate" the company, accusing them of fraud.

A poignant scene from one of my favorite movies...

This is what the beach in Atlantic City looked like on July 4, 1909



When I first saw this I thought 'who the fuck would buy 
something like this?' I mean - who'd wanna have a 
plate fulla dicks for dinner, right? But then I googled it 
and saw that it's very specifically target-marketed. Yikes...

There must be quite a bit of demand for them, because 
there's more than one brand. WTF is wrong with people?











And then I come across this: 

And then I thought, some poor bastard in a machine shop somewhere probably in Italy has the job of making the extruder dies for the pasta machines. 
And then I also noticed there are more than a couple different shapes and styles available so there has to be more than one die-maker for these. 
And then I thought I'm thinking way too much about dick pasta and I forced myself to think of Adrienne Barbeau's boobs for 45 minutes. 
And then I saw this and my brain exploded. Again...

Here's one of my wife's new items - 
a perfect gift for Valentines Day.
Click on the picture to see more: 

The above photo shows the ritual of the 'hazing' of US Navy sailors during an Equator crossing ceremony, 1944. This 'ceremonial ritual' is no longer practiced but had been for a hundred years. Any sailor who had NOT crossed the Equator before was subject to this hazing. The actual ship in this shot is unidentified but could easily be the LST that my father was stationed on at that exact time. 
This second pic is his record of his crossing.

Me and the boys were talkin' about puttin' the band back together 
when suddenly we realized we were never even in a band. None of us 
played any instruments at all and never had. WTF was that all about?

I'm thinking they put what was left of him in a bucket 
and brought him home. This whole 'parkour' thing 
is friggin' ridiculous...



He once told an interviewer that the monkey hated him and 
bit and scratched him almost daily while they were in production.



I gotta admit, though - that's pretty funny.

Valentine's Day is now only 8 days away. It's now or never
time for you to get going and find her something nice.
Here's a new item - click on the picture: 


Other than that, how ya doin', Joey?

There is no reason to put out bullshit like this. 
The girl's dead. let her legacy stand as it is.






  1. GoFundMe has been screwing over conservatives, cops, victims of crime, etc., for years. People always act surprised when an organization does again what it always does.

  2. Penis pasta? And my wife says I find weird stuff on the internet.


Not original to the series, but...

Click on the picture for more information on these unique hand-made earrings. They're only $ 20.00 and that includes free shipping!   ht...