Sunday, February 6, 2022

Holding on to the things we know and like...

 My wife says I'm stuck in the 70's. That's not exactly true. I'm also stuck in some of the 60's and some of the 80's also... 

Hey - wuddya expect? I'm almost 70 
and I still got a fuckin' ponytail.
And you can hold the comments. I know it's awfully thin 
on top, but I don't give shit. Besides, 98% of the people 
that know me wouldn't recognize me if I didn't have a hat on. 
Juss' sayin'...

What she's talking about is the way I dress and the music I listen to. I own exactly one pair of slacks and one 'dress' jacket. 

The entire wardrobe is blue jeans, cutoff shorts and 
a couple pairs of semi-normal shorts with a shitload 
of T-shirts and sweatshirts.

When I do get 'dressed up', it's jeans and a good, ratty-ass Hawaiian shirt out of my collection of 40 or so. 
I'd love to have the leftovers from Magnum's wardrobe, 
but normally, I find most of them at estate sales and 
Goodwill stores. You know - dead guy's clothes. I don't 
have a problem with that and besides, here in Florida, 
there's a friggin' never-ending supply of dead guy shit.

And I listen to mostly jazz and old time hard & southern rock, 
but those 'classic rock' stations give me a friggin' pain. Never EVER do they play B-sides or album cuts and I sure as fuck don't need to hear 'Welcome to Jungle' 40 times a week...

Make fun of the Villages? Fuck you. The dynamics and demographics are changing dramatically and quickly here.
 I'm going to see thee guys next month here at our local in-Villages theater. I saw GFR just last month right here. That old time Lawrence Welk/Line-dancing/Pat Boone and Neil Diamond bullshit is passe here now. Us boomers are changing the landscape. Hopefully for the better.

One thought about this present 20-something generation. What are they gonna have to look back on fondly? Snoop DogIce CubeCypress Hill LudacrisNaughty by Nature? 
I got the Beatles, Zeppelin, James gang, Leslie West, Beach Boys, Tempations, and the list goes on and on. GTFOH. Defense rests...


I could go on and on, but I think you get my drift. 
We had the best music, the best and cheapest drugs, the coolest chicks, and I wouldn't trade my growing-up years for any other time, period. 
Rock on, ya old farts. Don't change juss' 'cause yer gettin' on in years...


Valentine's Day is now only 8 days away.
 Maybe it's time for you to get going 
and find her something nice.
Here's a new item - click on the picture: 





  1. Toss another flaming Big Hair Disco turd onto the Left's Funeral PyreFebruary 6, 2022 at 9:07 PM

    We be right behind you. I've got a large eclectic collection of music, but when the subconscious wants to go home to Mama, I'm reaching for vinyl or CD and gettin' on Deep Purple, ZZTop, LZ, Tull, anything Joe Walsh, Wishbone Ash, Ted Nugent, Atomic Rooster, JoJo Gunne, Blue Oyster Cult and anything Robin Trower. And if I'm real amped, it's the Who, Jeff Beck, Hendrix, Montrose or Uriah Heep.

  2. Hendrix. Seattle dude. Might have heard of him. Voodoo Child, All Along the Watchtower, now that's some real rock and roll. Not to diss your list by any means, real and true guts of rock. Rock on, dude.

  3. All Along the Watchtower was written by Dylan, but his version crushed it...
