Monday, February 21, 2022

Are you a 'right wing child abuser'?

 According to Salon, you might be one... 

How truly fuckin' twisted does your mind have to be to make 
a claim like this? According to these jackwagons, one’s decision not to vaccinate is “child abuse” according to a recent Salon piece that accused conservatives of using children as “pawns in their gross political games,” viewing them as property, and damaging their “mental and emotional health” while “tearing families apart,” largely in order to undermine President Biden.
Penned by senior politics writer Amanda Marcotte and titled “Vaccine refusal is child abuse,” the Friday Salon essay begins by accusing Republicans of opposing vaccination against the coronavirus in order to “sabotage” the Biden presidency.
“Republican media and politicians adopted an anti-vaccine message for one obvious purpose: To sabotage Joe Biden’s presidency by prolonging the pandemic,” Marcotte writes. 
“In this, they’ve been wildly successful,” she adds.
Claiming the “vast majority” of COVID-19 deaths are a result 
of “vaccine refusal,” she asserts that opposition to vaccines has hurt conservatives.
“The public’s grief and weariness has definitely helped [drive] down Biden’s approval ratings, but at immense cost to Republican voters,” she writes. “Despite blue areas being denser than red, the death rate in Donald Trump-voting counties soared above Biden-voting counties, in a way that can only be described as ‘exponential.’”

These idiots vote. The people who read and buy in to 
this kinda bullshit also vote. That's frightening.
 Juss' sayin'...


  1. It's Salon. Poliporn for easily led idiots.

  2. For the left not aborting a child is child abuse.

  3. Subjecting your children to an experimental medical treatment with no long term results and crappy efficacy when their risk from the disease is virtually nil is the ultimate child abuse.

  4. They are insane, evil, and projectionist. As a retired guy with too much time on his hands, I've been following every aspect of the whole pandemic to a ridiculous degree. Not only are children practically immune to this virus - any variant - the very few who do catch it have almost no symptoms. Here in NJ where I live, covid death per capita capital of the USA, even after all this time just 10 kids under 4 have died, out of 30-32,000 deaths. (4 ages 5-17 have also died, 1 was just 12 and diagnosed with diabetes and Covid 2 days before her death) These kids are more than 25% of the state population. The first 4 deaths were sickly inner city kids who passed away in the very first wave. Another one is known to be a tabulation error. So maybe 5 covid caused deaths.

    They don't catch it, they don't die from it. The very few who do, who wind up in the hospital because effective out-patient is denied to us, usually get better with a release date of under a week.

    Vaccinating anyone under 30 is asinine. Giving the jabs to babies, toddlers, and grade school kids is the REAL child abuse. ( see the cases and mortalities tab )

    OTOH, vaccine associated deaths are now rampant. Nobody has the balls to say that out loud, but nearly every day you see a news story "12 year old dies suddenly"; "healthy 7 year old dies in his sleep"; "med student, 19, dies suddenly"; "mom of 3, 38, dies suddenly", etc.

    They have drunk the poison Kool-Aide and now they know it. But they can't admit that their holier-than-thou approach was wrong; that they are the biggest suckers in human history. Especially the double jabbed and double boostered, who have now destroyed their immune system forever. And so we get BS projectionism like this article at Salon.

    1. Where are ya in Jersey Drew? I moved here from Wall but originally from Newark

  5. I was just old enough to understand Thalidomide. reason #1 top be a skeptic
    If a medication has a side effect, I get it. listening to commercials; oh, hell, no. I have dilated myocardiopathy ( left ventricle is enlarged ). myocarditis sounds way too close to what I already have. It is my sincere belief that the vaccine obsessed are trying to eliminate the control group.


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