Saturday, January 29, 2022

Who picked this guy? Oh, that's right - Joe did...

'Pistol Pete' Buttigieg announced the plan yesterday and claims it will reduce the number of deadly road collisions. His 42-page plan includes a caveat to 'promote' speed camera use, which he says will be a more 'equitable' way of patrolling the roads than if cops were tasked with it. He also mentioned lowering speed limits, which - coupled with the addition of more cameras - guarantees an uptick in speeding tickets.


  1. So, ya get yerself an old tire..... Then you hang it over the speed camera.... fill the old tire with gasoline, ands light it up.....

  2. Many states have declared speed cameras unconstitutional, so sod off sodomite Pete.

  3. Yeah - none here in Florida that I know of...

  4. Remember when 55 was the federally-mandated speed limit (for "good reasons") and what we did with it?

    That silly-assed move got more mainstream Americans saying "Fuk the Feds" than Prohibition.

  5. 'ol buttplug lil' biden, stuck where he doesn't belong in a job he's not qualified for.....

    1. The ol' "Peter Principle"; "People eventually get promoted to their level of incompetence."


Take you best shot at naming this Dame...

...    Click on this picture for more information  on these earrings my wife makes... ...