Wednesday, January 26, 2022

This guy should run for office...

Detroit rocker Kid Rock released politically charged song on Monday, this time, bashing mandates in response to the Chinese coronavirus, and slamming President Joe Biden and Dr. Anthony Fauci.
The chorus of the more than four-minute song, titled, “We the People,” repeats the phrase, “Let’s go, Brandon,” a popular chant that is code for “Fuck Joe Biden.”
“‘Wear your mask, take your pills,’ now a whole generation is mentally ill. Man, fuck Fauci,” Kid Rock, born Robert James Ritchie, says in his new song.




Global warming my ass - it's cold down here...

Michael Rapaport films a thief 'sauntering' out 
of an Upper East Side Rite Aid with bags full of 
stolen goods while the security guard does bupkis...  

 Rapaport slams NYC's ridiculous, non-existent 'woke' bail reform 
and says 'we have to put more of these criminals in jail', calling it 'pathetic' that brazen crime continues to spiral in the Big Apple because of soft-on-crime policies. 
The actor and comedian, who posted footage of the incident on Instagram, said that he was 'disgusted' and 'surprised' when he saw the thief stocking up on items from three different sections of the pharmacy before deciding he was satisfied. 'These criminals know there are no ramifications. We have to put more of these mfers in jail,' he said. The Rite Aid in the video, on 81st Street and 1st Avenue, is hit with thefts of the same nature on an almost daily basis, a security guard told Rapaport. 
The location will be closing on February 15, along with 63 other locations to close in the coming months with thefts a major reason, the pharmacy chain announced late December. 'You see all these videos on Instagram of people shoplifting like they're going for a walk in the park. 'It's pathetic that this is happening in the greatest city in the world,' Rapaport said. 


This is personal. 
My father died 19 years ago today.
 It seems like only yesterday.


You still have time to find something
 nice for your wife or girlfriend and 
get it delivered for Valentine's Day
Click on  the picture for more info. There's a lot more different items 
of her jewelry  available on Etsy, and she'll be adding more items 
to her store today. It's really nice stuff and the prices  
include free shipping to almost anywhere! 

Opening Day at the Stadium is April 7th.
Cheapest seats in the house?
Nose-bleeders at $ 85.00 a pop.


Ya can't sanction anybody who's got $50 billion stashed away somewhere, and besides, he doesn't give a fuck what you think, Joe. C'mon, man...


In case you mighta forget her cunt-factor...


I'm still on the fence about the steroid guys. 
And Pete Rose. And Shoeless. 
But they're all stories for another day...


A gunner standing beside his B-24 bomber wearing what 
it took to survive at 25,000ft altitude, 1944




Have a birthday or anniversary coming
 up soon? How about Valentine's Day?
Think she'd like something like this?

To see all that my wife has to offer in gift ideas, click on either picture.



  1. Condolences for your Dad....he appeared to be an amazing man....lost my Dad in 1988....still have dreams about him that are so real that when I wake up I can't wait to see him, until the realization sets in that, alas, it was only a dream....BTW, screw David Ortiz.....he can be in the Red Sox hall, not MLB's....I guess my hatred of the Red Sox is apparent, huh....go Rays!...

    1. Yeah - but where are the Rays going? They ain't stayin' in Tampa...

  2. RIP to your father Joe, Isn't amazing when we look back at our parents' accomplishments how ours seem to pale by comparison


Conch fritters at Snappers in KeyLargo...