Thursday, January 20, 2022

There's a good reason they don't let Joe talk to the press...


Joe Biden on Wednesday marked the anniversary of his presidency with a press conference - only his second in the White House, and 10th since taking up the presidency. 
All of his recent predecessors have held more press conferences, with Donald Trump holding 21 in his first year, and Barack Obama having 28. 
Biden said that he had 'over performed' in his first year, yet many pointed to the highest inflation in 40 years, supply chain issues and shortages, and continued COVID deaths and disagreed with his rosy assessment.

Joe just completely lost it...


  1. Just imagine what his State of the Union address is going to be like... if he ever has it.

    Me, I'm expecting a ghost-written pamphlet or something published on the White House website.


A real Lady in red...