Sunday, January 30, 2022

It's a shame cops have to protect someone like her...

 This thoughtless, insensitive brain-dead piece of shit 
actually had the balls to upload this to Tik-Tok...

There's a special corner of hell 
for heartless scumbags like her.

New York City 'actress' Jacqueline Guzman was fired from her theater company after ranting in a now-deleted TikTok video she made about 'shutting down most of Lower Manhattan' for 22-year-old NYPD Officer Jason Rivera's funeral on Friday. 
'We do not need to shut down most of Lower Manhattan because one cop died for probably doing his job incorrectly,' she said. 'They kill people who are under 22 every single day for no good reason and we don't shut down the city for them.'  

Thousands of officers flooded the streets of New York to honor the fallen officer, blocking the streets Guzman needed to go down. Despite deleting the video, she was met with swift backlash and distain, and was released from her theater company for her 'insensitive' comment regarding Jason Rivera's death.  

Rivera, 22, was killed while responding to a domestic call in East Harlem.


  1. once again another actor I never her of or thought died years ago. Their opinions are worth less than the shit that sinks to the bottom of the ocean.

  2. Not a very diplomatic way of stating a truth. Whenever a cop dies they act as if the pope died... shut down streets, inconvenience countless businesses, delay untold numbers of people preventing them from carrying on
    with their activities. Why? Yes...a cop was murdered. LOTS of people get murdered. There is no rational reason
    why we only cause such a massive inconvenience to society just because the dead person was pinned to a badge. She
    asked a reasonable question in an unreasonable manner. Doesn't negate the validity of the question. And NO....just being a cop does NOT make somebody or their death "special".

    1. Hey jerk off. If you don't like my blog don't read the f****** thing. And don't call a cop when you need help. They died in the line of duty protecting people just like you would want them to protect you jerk off

    2. And just so you know Dan I am an ex-cop you f****** jerk off

  3. Dan - now tell me about the understated , simple funeral(s) given to that career criminal who ODed , George Floyd .
