Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Fighting for relevance in a world that's passed him by...


Here's an old, angry Canadian musician who hasn't had 
anything relevant or interesting to say in over 40 years trying 
to put his mug out in the limelight. Hey Neil - shut the fuck up 
and go away. Yer music's shit anyways....

Neil Young has demanded that his music be removed from Spotify due to vaccine misinformation spread by podcaster Joe Rogan on the streaming service, saying: “They can have Rogan or Young. Not both.”
In an open letter to his manager and record label that was posted to his website and later taken down, Young wrote: “I am doing this because Spotify is spreading fake information about vaccines – potentially causing death to those who believe the disinformation being spread by them. Please act on this immediately today and keep me informed of the time schedule.” 
Young specified that his decision was motivated by The Joe Rogan Experience, which is currently Spotify’s most popular podcast and one of the biggest in the world. Rogan signed a US$100m deal in 2020 giving Spotify exclusive rights to the show.

Have a birthday or anniversary coming
 up soon? How about Valentine's Day?
Think she'd like something like this?

To see all that my wife has to offer in gift ideas, click on either picture.


  1. Niel Young has been a psychopath for decades. See What Eric Clapton and Van Morrison have to say.

  2. Give in to one bully and every bully in the world is going to go after you. I would immediately pull all of Youngs music off the service. Even if they took the challenge down from their website because they realized it was a bad move. On the first day of work, one of my bosses told me that if someone threatens to quit unless X happens, he always responds with "I accept your resignation.". It's the only way to handle bullies.


How many times have I heard this?