Monday, December 13, 2021

You can blame anything on climate change - just ask Joe.

It sickens me to see things like this. How fucked up is this guy that he'd actually politicize a tragedy like this...     






I'd imagine it's pretty frustrating for so many small business owners who just can't get people to want to work at these menial jobs for $ 14/15 bucks an hour. So nice to Santa's an understanding and compassionate liberal...


Whoever designed these sheets should 
get a Nobel Prize of some kind...
The possibilities are endless...


Do you know a woman who'd love and
 appreciate something as nice as these?
What are you waiting for - Christmas is in 12 days!
Click on the picture for information on this item.


You can tell how white trash a household is if they have one of those trampolines on the front 'lawn' of their house. Also, if there's a fridge (working or not - doesn't matter) out on the front porch or a couple of deserted, funky-ass old cars in the driveway, bingo. Juss' sayin'



Imagine you're a Union leader and the best and most forceful negotiating chip you have in your arsenal is the fact that you can hold the children of the entire country hostage until you get what you want. THAT is how powerful the National Federation of Teachers has become.


I'm gonna pitch in here and help Kamala out with her immigration policy. Hey - Dimwit - build a fuckin' wall. Get it done. If they do manage to somehow get in and we catch 'em, put 'em in jail for breaking the law, and then ship their asses back to whereverthefuck thirdworld shithole they came from in the first place. And while you're at it, kick Mexico's ass up and down the street for letting this shit happen every single fuckin' day and not doing shit to put a halt to it. Comprende,  bitch?


 How about a nice little stocking stuffer for the honey? 
There's still time to get them...
 Click on the picture for information on this item. 

Actress Sarah Silverman is pushing back at a left-wing calling her racist because she criticized MSNBC host Joy Reid for a misleading social media post. Silverman fired back at leftists who attacked her after she told Reid that she should read articles before commenting on them.
Reid had shared a CNN headline, which read, “DeSantis proposes a new civilian military force in Florida that he would control,” and commented, “So… y’all know this is fascisty bananas, right…?”
The MSNBC host, however, omitted the fact that Florida would become the 23rd state in the United States to have such an organization. Silverman replied to Reid, stating, “Please read the article before you post this stuff you’re a news outlet. The truth has to matter.”

How'dja like to have that in the garage, huh?

Some people really do have too 
much free time - like I do I guess...

Somebody took the time to photoshop out the 
doofy haircut and beard. This is funny...




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How many times have I heard this?