Sunday, December 12, 2021

I'm going to assume that most of you are married...

Or at the very least have girlfriends and daughters, so I'm doing this as a favor for you - and for my wife... 

Christmas is right around the corner, but there's still time 
to get them all a nice, hand-made gift or two... 


Seriously -more than 100 of my readers have purchased Barbara's jewelry over the last couple of years, for that she and I are both grateful and flattered. (PS - she has never had a returned item. Ever). 
It's getting down to crunch time for gift buying, but if you order from her in the next day or two, you're pretty much guaranteed to get your item in time for Christmas.  The items always ship in indiscreet packaging and are gift wrapped for you, so don't hold off if you're thinking of getting something. 
Click on any of the pictures below and it'll bring you right to the 
web page the product is on. If that one item is already gone, look 
for the BjacksonJewelry link and it'll take you to the main page.











Click on this banner to see all she has online today.

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