Thursday, December 2, 2021

A couple from Playboy...

 Okay, more than a couple. Enjoy... 







It's kinda scary - I know a woman who looks exactly like the one on the right...


Would your wife, daughter, mother or girlfriend 
like something like this for Christmas? 

Click on the picture for information on this item.




  1. Re: the typing/spelling cartoons:

    I remember one from years ago, showing an executive standing in an open window, holding a note in his hand, and addressing his secretary. The caption was: "Really Miss Simms? 'Sewercide'??"

  2. #7....did your friend ever find her nose?

    1. Didn't say she was a friend did I? I could never be friends with someone doesn't have a frikken nose...


How many times have I heard this?