Saturday, November 13, 2021

We see duplicity every day of our lives, don't we?

 Here's a prime example of what that means... 




That's subtle. I like subtle.

That's not so subtle. Still gotta like it...


The State of New Jersey can't even sell drugs 
without fucking it up somehow...
In New Jersey, the cannabis legalization law mandates legal sales begin by mid-February, or six months after the commission adopted its initial rules. But without new businesses, it’s unlikely the state will set a start date for sales by then.
New Jersey currently has only medical marijuana dispensaries and growers. They will get the first shot at selling to the public once they certify they have enough cannabis to meet patient and public demand and pay fees to expand their licenses to the recreational market.
But those dispensaries say they could start selling to the public now, and that they have an excess amount of cannabis stocked up.
Last month, the commission awarded 14 new licenses for the medical marijuana market. They will have to operate as medical-only businesses for one year before applying to grow and sell marijuana to the recreational market, too.
New medical dispensaries are still awaiting licenses, too. 


The jewelry my wife makes would be a perfect gift.
Click on this banner to see all she has to offer.









You know your wife or girlfriend would  love 
something like this, right? So buy it for her... 

Click on the picture for information on this item. 
Click on this link to see all she has to offer:

I did it. Today. I finally figured out why I drink as much as I do. 
It's PTS'DD'. 'Post Traumatic Styling & Dance Disorder'. 
Don't know how I made it out alive...


So the moral of the story was the same back then as it is nowadays. Ya wanna chance at getting laid? Ya gotta brush your teeth with Colgate. It's that simple. 
It's amazing how advertising has changed over the years, isn't it?



See - this is a perfect example of why this blog 
exists - why it's SO important.
 How else would you possible know about shit like 
this if I wasn't here to tell you about it? 
Juss' sayin'...

She might like this also...

Click on the picture for information on this item.

Pierre-Auguste Renoir was a French artist who died in 1919. He was a leading painter in the development of the Impressionist style. He is one of my idols and my personal favorite artist. To be able to see things the way he saw - and painted - them is a true gift.




  1. Is that you in photo?? Gosh I hope not

    1. No - but it is a great pic, ain't it?

    2. Yes it is. My dad would never allow any of us to ever even getting close to look like that

  2. I never appreciated a Renior painting until I saw one in a museum, and had always thought them over-rated. Photographs haven't done them any justice, crowding values and chromas. Ditto JMW Turner. Another artist that when I finally saw one of his works, I said to myself, "Oh".

    1. I feel that way about Hopper also...

    2. I have several dozen books of various Impressionist painters, Renior is certainly wonderful. Like billy says seeing them in person is a whole 'nother thing.

      Standing in front of a Van Gogh is spiritual although it's contended he wasn't an Impressionist.

      However as a life long glass artist, my artistic hero is Louis Tiffany. I have dozens of books of his work but again, seeing the work in person, and I've even worked of Tiffany windows, is amazing.

    3. I feel that way about Vargas!

    4. Mark - did you see the Vargas post I did last week?


What - a doll...