Saturday, November 20, 2021

Tough times in Western Canada these days...


Left, a flooded farm can be seen. Top right, a gas station sits empty after running out of fuel. 
Right, a main road lies in ruins following the devastating floods and landslides. 
British Columbia imposed temporary restrictions on fuel and non-essential travel on Friday to ease supply chain disruptions and support recovery work. Floods and mudslides destroyed roads, houses and left thousands stranded in the western Canadian province. 
The emergency order limits people in some areas, including Vancouver Island, to 30 liters of fuel per visit to a gas station. Non-essential travel along severely affected highways will also be prohibited until December 1st. 
The storms, which started on Sunday, forced the closure of the Trans Mountain pipeline and cut two critical east-west rail lines owned by Canadian Pacific Railway and Canadian National Railway Company. The railway lines lead to Canada's busiest port in Vancouver, impeding the supply of fuel and goods. 
The province was also working with the federal government to import fuel via alternate ways including by truck and barge from the United States or neighboring Alberta. Hours before the restrictions were announced, the flood-battered province received some good news when the Canadian Pacific Railroad said work to repair damaged infrastructure would continue non-stop. The company says rail service should be restored during the middle of next week. 

1 comment:

  1. I wish them luck I lived there in the early eighties,in the cities they're libtards,again I wish them good luck. I personally would take advantage of this and let them eat each other. Should of let that happen during the ice storm in Quebec winter of 98 I was there as a power lineman and it would solved a Lot of political problems. Let the libtards eat each other. They're to retarded to plan ahead, the GOV, will come to their rescue,stop bailing them out with taxpayer dollars let them get the charities they claim they support. The real supporters will be taken care of,the others who cares


Okay Auntie - last time. If I don't getcha this time I surrender...

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