Sunday, November 21, 2021

I know why the media sucks.

 And I'm more than happy to share a couple of facts with you that prove my point... 

These despicable pieces of shit - who needs to hear garbage like this and why do people spew hateful nonsense?



I had to google this asswipe also. I had no idea who he is. I couldn't find out why he's on TV or who out there thinks he's funny, but I did find out he's dating a white girl. THAT is the kinda stupid shit the media spoon-feeds us.


This kid has more balls than most adult men. That being said, I still think that maybe him being there wasn't such a great idea.
I didn't know that Kyle put out a dumpster fire that was being rolled down to a gas station to blow it up, with people all around.
I didn't know that the Police were told to stand down as businesses were destroyed. 
I didn't know that Kyles Dad, Grandma and Friends all lived in Kenosha, 20 minutes from where he resided with his Mom part time in Illinois. 
I didn't know that Joseph Rosenbaum knocked him down twice and then attempted to kick him with lethal force to the head. 
I didn't know that Huber had hit him in the head 2x with a skateboard. 
I didn't know Gaige Grosskreutz, a felon in possession of firearm, aimed his gun at Kyle first, as he admitted on the stand. 
I also didn't know that in the State of Wisconsin, it is legal for Kyle to have a gun, even at 17 (which was why the gun charge was dismissed). 
I didn't know that Kyle did not cross state lines with a gun he wasn't supposed to have. The rightful gun owner did, as he was legally permitted to do. 
I also didn't realize that Rosenbaum was a 5 time convicted child rapist and that Huber was a 2 time convicted woman beater. I didn't know that Grosskreutz was a convicted Burglar with an assault on his record also.


This is the American publisher Sylvia Beach standing in the doorway of her Paris bookshop “Shakespeare & Company”, during the 1920s. She - and her shop - gained recognition for being the only person willing to publish James Joyce’s Ulysses in the English language and her shop was regarded as a haven for American expatriates during the 1920s and 1930s including Hemingway and Fitzgerald, who were personal freinds of Beach's. Hers is a wonderful story.


Women love gifts of nice, unique, one-of-a-kind  
jewelry, and with Christmas not too far off guys. 
Something like this may be just right for her...
Ruby Red Swarovoski Crystal Hand Beaded Bracelet 
With Copper Seed Bead Accents
Click on the picture for information on this item.




"Mimi Margaux, who described herself as a 
dancer, actress, model and follower of 
'la Vie Boheme, enjoys the view from the 
balcony in an East Village hangout in 1960." 



A professor fired from Fordham University after he was accused of masturbating during a Zoom lecture is suing the Bronx school, claiming his erectile dysfunction made the allegation “virtually impossible.”The student who filmed the video is also suing Fordham, claiming she faced retaliation after she turned over the awkward 2020 video.
Howard Robinson, 68, was a tenured professor at the university’s Graduate School of Social Service when graduate student Andrea Morin filmed a video of the teacher appearing to masturbate during a Sept. 10, 2020 class, the lawsuits state.


You know your wife or girlfriend (or both) likes 
jewelry and has a sense of humorMaybe 
she'd like you to buy these for her... 

Click on the picture for information on this item. 
Click on this link to see all she has to offer:


A family of Irish Travelers back in the 
1930's. I had no idea there were Irish Gypsies - 
you ever here of them?

This is the Band of Gypsies I know and like...


Okay, maybe it was little more than just the eyes...

Click on the banner or the picture to see all that she has to offer...




  1. Reference the Irish Gypsies, there are two kinds. There are the genuine Roma who maintain their old traditions and their own language and are generally welcomed and then there are the pikeys who are also known as 'travellers'. I'm not going to say that pikeys are all bad but 99% of them get the rest a bad name. Most of them have travelled to the UK mainland where they are a blight on the landscape.

    1. I know (from personal experience in Pisa) the gypsies in Italy are pretty much all a bunch of pick-pockets and theives...

    2. Irish Travellers:

  2. To answer your question: "Biden commemorates police officers killed: ‘There’s too much pain. There’s too much loss.’"

    I know you hate the guy. You could at least be honest about him.

    1. I have a hard time putting cops (I was one) in the same basket with LBGTQXYZ'ers. Sorry. Nothing to do with Joe.

  3. If MORE Kyle's were out there, aka people exercising their rights to carry and be seen, then fewer of these violent riots would be occurring.

    1. That's why crime is as low as it is where I live. Every 4th guy (and gals) is strapped. I have a CC license myself.


Yer killin' me Auntie - can't get one by you. Here ya go...

...    When you buy your wife, daughter or girfriend gifts of the jewelry Barbara makes, you do three things:  You show your support for thi...