Monday, October 4, 2021

What's happened to America's ability to police itself?

 How are we supposed to be the watchdog of the world when our own Police can't do shit?

Meanwhile in the 'City of Brotherly Love' -  Philadelphia...

Cops watched helplessly as street racers did donuts around their cruiser outside Philadelphia City Hall and DANCE on top of it after blocking traffic and letting off fireworks.
 They had to - they had 'stand down' orders from City Hall

A Dodge Charger muscle car was filmed spinning donuts around a cop car outside Downtown Philadelphia's famous city hall Saturday night.   
The "shameless act of hooliganism" was snapped by an onlooker from the window of a nearby tall building just before midnight, with the car screeching around the Ford police cruiser multiple times as passengers sat on the vehicle's open windows.   
'No fuckin' way,' onlookers could be heard yelling as the car drives by. 'Oh shit, oh shit.' Another onlooker was filmed clambering onto the cop car's hood moments later.  

And the cops couldn't do a fuckin' thing...

It was nice for a while to have a President who 
admired, protected and supported cops.

Just so ya know, I was a cop (short-lived as that career was), my brother was a cop, and my father was a cop. We worked the job when it meant something to be one.



How many beers would I wanna have
 before I ran in to this jerkoff?
 I'm thinking four might do it.

Way back when when I was a kid, there was a message in this 
iconic painting that I'm sure is misinterpreted today.

This is the flag I fly under my
 American Flag in front of my house.

There are more than a few different sizes and styles 
available if you look around when you get there. 
This is the link for this flag:

A pastor and local president of a Massachusetts NAACP chapter called on police officers and other supporters of the "Blue Lives Matter" narrative to stop comparing their career choice to he and other Black Americans' lives. 

Bishop Talbert Swan, who is president of the Springfield, Massachusetts chapter of the NAACP, told Newsweek Monday he believes people who are promoting "Blue Lives Matter" and "All Lives Matter" are being disingenuous with their narrative.

And the newsmedia publishes fuckin' garbage like this:
Can you imagine the mindset of 
that jackoff fuckin' artist?

Pure white trash. There's no other explanation.

Where would all these jerkoff protesters be if these brave, heroic 
men and women weren't out there 24/7 protecting their lame asses? 
They'd be cowered in their basements like frightened little kids.

Cops put their lives on the line every fuckin' day. 
Every hour of every day. For these rat-hole 
cop-hating scumbags, and they do it with pride 
and honor. Thank god they do.


Let's face it - they have a tough job.
Not everyone can do what they do.


Take a look out the front door
at the American flag on your pole. 
Maybe it's time to replace it.

Celebrate America by buying American-made.
You'll find it right here for under $ 19 bucks:



  1. I used to be a great supporter of the blue, but no-knock warrants, MRAP driving military armed SWAT teams, and cops beating some guy down for not wearing a mask. Just following orders.
    Yeah, not so much a supporter anymore.

    1. Sorry you feel that way. Who ya gonna call when somebody attacks your daughter?

    2. While I agree that zero percent of this crap is tolerable, I'd say the percent is way below 1....and don't forget the bullshit media and their "hands up, don't shoot" fraud in the case of M. Brown....who the fuck would believe those schiesters....believe half of what you see and none of what you hear....I hear that BLM or antifa will show up the next time you need assistance, so there's always that....don't be such a tool...


Sometimes I think I'm stupid, but most of time I'm positive about it...

I hate to admit that I actually had to ask my wife what the gag or message was in this cartoon. I kept looking at the guy looking out the do...