Monday, October 4, 2021

The number One reason I don't watch TV? Take your pick.

 The news is bullshit and usually worthless, game shows and comedies are lame and then there's 'Dr. Fuckin' Pill Popper'. 
Good god that's insane... 
There is one show that I do watch on Showtime - 'Billions'.




My second living room. The light at this time 
of year is perfect at cocktail time...



They use the word 'arrest' loosely here. He's 
'apprehended' and released with a citation. 
Nothing more. It's fuckin' ridiculous. Oh - 
my bad. I forgot - it's New York.
 Way to go 'No bail Cuomo'...

'The Veiled Virgin' is a statue by a Italian sculptor Giovanni Strazza. The cloth covering the statue is actual solid which is made to look transparent. His brain must have worked on a couple different levels than mine does. That's truly impressive.



Show your service pride, no
matter where you served... 

All branches of service and many styles 
are available. Click on the picture 
or this link and find your style:




We was juss goin' out wabbit huntin'...

Don't matter - they won't do shit about it.



Yes - they were spectacular. Juss' sayin'...




My brother had a pair of these. I don't think they lasted 
three weeks before they looked like shit. I guess they 
didn't do any scuff-testing back in the day.


The best deal in small tablets just got ridiculous. 

 For under $ 40 bucks you can't go wrong.
Pick up a couple at this price and save 'em for Christmas presents! 
Check it out here or click on the picture:






A fake neighborhood on top of the Boeing factory 
to deter possible air attacks during WWII. 
King County, Washington. 

Right click on this to see what's new:




DeSantis won't run in '24. He'll do another term as Guv 
and then go for it in '28. It's the smart play.

Māori soldiers from New Zealand perform a traditional 
war cry known as a haka in Helwan, Egypt, in June 1941.


This is a sweet price for a great package.
 See for yourself.

At today's sale price of only $ 149.00 for the 20v set along with the charger and the bag, 
this is one helluva deal.  See it for yourself by clicking on the picture above or right here:








It's free for three months. Why not give it a try?



  1. Gosh how I miss Dennis Miller's HBO Specials, he always had a great take on current affairs and he was a conservative too, which probably led to him not getting asked back to do more of them. and speaking of Dennis's, Dennis Leary's stand-ups were always great too. His rant about craft beer is priceless
