Monday, October 18, 2021

Like Frank said - Let's take it nice and easy.

 It's gonna be so easy...  
Let it play in the background 
while you do all your other stuff.


These palm trees are in a garden at a castle in Donegal County Ireland. 
Yes - the have palm trees in Ireland. Didn't know that, didja?

Let me be very clear about something here before we go any farther. I am NOT an 'anti-vaxxer'. 
If you choose to get it - or not get it - it's your business, not mine. If I got it or not is my business, and my business only. 
The heck with vaccine passport nonsense. Require it all you want. I won't contribute to your stupidity, even if I am vaccinated.

She was a weedhead and a tramp. In 1944, that was enough to get Phyllis Stalnaker arrested. Her booking photo shows a slightly pretty young woman sporting a 'jaunty' striped top with a herringbone blazer and fashionably dark lipstick. She gives the camera a stony kinda look.

Why don't we do this here? Are we that different from the French? As long as the weather is good - well in to the fall - tango enthusiasts (advanced as well as the never-before-danced) gather at these park-like mini amphitheatres along the Seine in the 5th arrondissement of Paris to dance seductively until twilight. We should do this. We really, really should...




And on a related note..
George Harrison wanted to visit the Haight Ashbury district in San Francisco while he was in town. Like everyone else, George had heard a great deal about this spot and he looked forward to visiting it with high expectations. “I went there expecting it to be a brilliant place, with groovy gypsy people making works of art and paintings and carvings in little workshops. But it was full of horrible spotty drop-out kids on drugs, and it turned me right off the whole scene.” This was August 1967, what they called the Summer of Love. 

It's not too early to start thinking
 about Christmas gifts. The jewelry my
 wife makes would be a perfect gift.

Art Deco Inspired Hand Beaded Turquoise 
and Silver Dangle Earrings
Click on the picture for information on this item. 

Click on this link to see all she has to offer:


I have to admit it - even as a kid I was 
no big fan of Halloween.

And this is how that feeling has manifested itself. I give these out to 
any kids that ring my doorbell. They usually don't come back the next year.

A private school in Miami, Florida is dead-set on proving that Covidphobia makes you genuinely stupid. 

Yes, and they call themselves 'The Brain School'. 
They're requiring students who get vaccinated to quarantine at home for 30 days after each dose. 
"Because of the potential impact on other students and our school community, vaccinated students will need to stay at home for 30 days post-vaccination for each dose and booster they receive and may return to school after 30 days as long as the student is healthy and symptom-free."



Neptune has high-speed winds at can get up to 1,300 MPH.

People really have to start rising up against 
this kind of stupidity.

Allison Williams is out at ESPN due to the company’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate. The college football and basketball sideline reporter, who announced last month she was opting out of the season because she had not received the vaccine as she and her husband tried for a second child, said Friday night that her “request for accommodation” had been denied.
Effective next week, Williams said, she will be “separated from the company.”


He died after he had it. Or he died of it. Or he died with it. Or he died from complications brought by his having it even though he was completely, fully  vaccinated. So what are we supposed to believe? Do we believe the numbers they throw at us constantly about how deadly this thing is? Or do we believe that we're all perfectly safe if we get the vaccinations? Or do we believe that the vaccinations will have no effect and the virus will kill us anyway?

My wife makes really nice jewelry - and it's all made by hand. 
Every piece is unique, and they're all very reasonably priced.

Hand Beaded Black Matte Bracelet With White Pearlescent Seed Beads 
and Irish Knot Button Closure
Click on the picture for information on this gift item.


It may be a typo, but it's pretty much just the way
 my Grandfather Angelo woulda said it...


If you need me I'll be right over here  with her - 
waiting for my ship to come in...

I realize the majority of my readers here may be men, but don't 
hesitate to look. There's some great gift ideas in her store.
Click here for her complete online store:


  1. It strikes me that the scene in Venice could have happened anything up to 1000 years ago. Amazing.

    1. S'true - but the girl woulda been a lot fatter me thinks...
