Monday, September 20, 2021

Rule 5 has been nixed from the blog,

 Can't do it any more. Sorry guys... 
 It appears I have somehow been violating the terms of the Google/Blogster platform by posting pictures that were deemed 'sexual' in nature'. 
The 'Girls kissing girls' thing was probably a little too close to the edge.
From now on it's puppies and kittens. And other stuff, 
but no more babes in bikinis. My bad...










These are seriously comfortable pants. 
Here in Florida we can wear them year-round.

At under 25 bucks each, a good deal, too. 
See for yourself - click on the picture or this link:









A very powerful charger at a great price.
I leave one out in the lanai now and it stays fully charged all the time. 
I just plug my phone in to it whenever I'm out there - and it keeps 
the phone at 100%. It's impressive. 

For under $ 23 bucks, it's crazy not to have one. Even comes 
with the charger cord. Click on the picture or this link:


Do you have a special occasion - like a birthday, an anniversary 
or some other special event worth celebrating coming up? 
You can find something nice for your Mom, your wife, your daughter or 
your girlfriend right here. Below are some samples of the jewelry my wife makes.

Click on the picture above for information on this item

Click on the picture above for information on this item

See some more for yourself by clicking here:



I'm a firm believer in treating yourself once 
in a while. Like now. Get one for yourself.

Find one for yourself by clicking on the picture or here:





  1. I can deal with this, they can't keep my imagination from working. I'll steal... um... borrow all of them to make you feel needed.

  2. Pretty girls. I will say I like the Rule5 sweater puppies even better, though.

  3. Knowing the way the country is going and the douchebags they have censoring sites, "BOYS KISSING BOYS" would have probably been ok.

  4. I thought girls kissing girls was "brave" and "heroic" now. You're just raising awareness of LGBTQWERTY issues.

  5. Rat rod chicks are hot, break all the rules without breaking any.

  6. I know I am strange, but 'girls kissing girls' never has done anything for me. The whole point is fantasy and I have NEVER fantasized about being a girl. Sure like to look at the pretty single gals, though.

  7. O'Rourke in Texas? Not a chance in hell especially after he bragged "you damn right I'm coming for your guns."

  8. Furry friends are always nice...and the ladies too. Ohio Guy


A nugget from the Playboy vaults...

This may be a re-post, but I really like this guy's drawing style... ...       Here's a great idea for a Valentine's gift   for ...