Tuesday, July 13, 2021

What a bunch of whiney-ass pussies they got down there in Texas nowadays.

 I really think the whole world is upside down. Doesn't anyone have any balls anymore? WTF is going on... 

'We'll show them - we'll stay home from school...'

Shortly after landing in Washington D.C. in an effort to deny the Texas House a quorum to block a voting restrictions bill, House Democrats indicated they plan to remain out of state until the end of the special legislative session that ends Aug. 6.
Democrats’ Monday departure from the state upends the Legislature's ability to turn any bills into law just days into a 30-day session that was called largely to advance GOP-backed legislation that would enact new restrictions on voting.
They keep calling these laws about voting 'Republican-backed voting restrictions' when all they really do is re-establish some sense of fuckin' sanity to what these jerkoffs want to destroy - the sanctity of the vote. Buncha fuckin' crybabies. Ya gets what ya votes for. case in point. 
Just one more example of: 


Not so fast there, little runaways. The governor of Texas has described state Democrats who fled to Washington DC to prevent a vote as 'quitters' who were 'un-Texan' in running from a fight, and said they will be arrested on their return. 


These little dudes are gonna grow up to be 'stand-up guys'. 
You can tell just by looking at 'em.

That's appropriate to what I mentioned yesterday somewhere between spending millions on a friggin' video game package and these two idiot billionaires spending god-knows-how-much just to go in to space. Self-indulgent jerkoffs.


Anyone under 40 has no idea 
what a big deal these were for us.



It's not exactly a marketable skill, now is it...




PFC Floyd L. Rogers from Texas and with 'C' Company, 38th Infantry Regiment, US 2nd Division in Northern France, June 29 1944. (Note the German camo helmet cover). 
He was killed less than two weeks after this picture was taken, on July 12,1944. At the time of this photo, he had received credit for killing 27 enemy snipers with his (BAR) Browning Automatic Rifle.


This isn't a political issue entirely. As long as people insist on moving closer and closer to wilderness areas, this will continue. The tree-huggers could let some pre-fire mitigation happen, but they won't because they're fuckin' idiots.

A rare photo that recently emerged has just been sold at auction for $ 1,650,000,000,000,000. It was taken the day that Rolling Stones' guitarist Keith Richards gave his very first guitar lesson to a quite young Willy Nelson.

Right click on the banner to open it in a new tab and see if there isn't
 something there that you just absolutely, positively havta have:


A Turkish bodybuilder, fitness trainer and self-described 'social media influencer' was thrown off a line to board a flight by the American Airlines staff on 8 July for wearing “skimpy clothes.” 
Deniz Saypinar took to her Instagram to tearfully tell her followers how “ridiculous” she found this. 'I dress like a slut because I am one' she is quoted as having said to authorities.



Goldfish grow bigger than you think. This large goldfish were recently found in Lake Harris here in Florida, and are thought to come from people releasing their pet goldfish into the lake.


Does anyone actually give a shit about things like all-star games and home run derbies anymore or is it just me who couldn't give a fuck if he had 12 of 'em?

It was a cold, damp night out on the Yellowbrick Trail. When the travelers decided it was time to bunk down for the night, a fire was started...




She's been here before once or twice. She is about as close to perfection as exists. Juss' sayin'...

This is Livraria Lello, one of the oldest bookstores in Portugal. Built when pleasing the eye was as important as function. Pretty stunning for such a small building, isn't it?



Ya think he was getting laid much back in the Magnum days? 





  1. "It's not exactly a marketable skill, now is it..."

    Oh, I dunno, replace the nunchuks with a balisong, and she'd be a real hit at a bris.

  2. The Jersey Shore is a lot like an operating room .

    Both places have bright light , salt water ( saline ) , and scattered syringes .



The Manson Family versus Animal House? Really?

There is a really funny - and quite indepth - article on this very subject here: https://faroutmagazine.co.uk/the-original-animal-house-scri...