Saturday, July 17, 2021

Listening for the voice of reason to be heard?

 These days, you couldn't recognize the voice of reason if it sounded like your Father's voice when he was pissed off at you... 


That's a great late afternoon/early evening  aerial shot of Sea Bright, NJ - a fascinating place. There's only one road, and only one way in and out.
In the distant background? That's Manhattan on the horizon.


Did you grow up, like I did, in a neighborhood that had tiny little shops like that one? If you did, you grew up knowing how good a simple grilled cheese sandwich really could be. The food in those small lunch counter places never sucked, no matter where they were.


A federal judge in Houston on Friday ruled that an Obama administration program protecting undocumented immigrants who were brought into the United States as children is illegal and halted accepting any new applications for the program.  
The decision comes out of a challenge to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program that was filed in 2018 by Texas and other states that argued that the program violated the Constitution because it undermines Congress’ authority on immigration laws.

If ya don't know who he is, google his name.


These Iranian women are pictured protesting the fact that they will be forced to wear the Hijab after the overthrow of the Shah. This protest happened just days after the revolution in Iran in 1979. The Hijab rule is still in effect.

I'm a bigger fan of his writing 
than I am of the radio show.

My wife bought it for herself and then I read it.
 This guy is so fuckin' spot-on it's scary. 
Get it for yourself - it's a very good read.
Click on the picture or the title here:
American Marxism

Yeah - that pretty much describes my teen years.



Man, if that ain't the story of my life. Whoever this guy is, 
I hope the joint is packed every night.


Did you see any of this? This guy completely lost is shit, and evidently
he does this quite often. Must be one angry fucker to play with.


This is the part of town where I grew up. Don't be fooled by seeing some of the bigger houses - this was most definitely not a wealthy neighborhood by any stretch of the imagination. It was as blue-collar as blue-collar gets, with rare exceptions. The biggest houses were where all the doctor's and lawyers lived.


Elizabeth Montgomery was a major babe back in the day.
She really was 'Bewitching'...


This is the most comfortable sneaker that 
I've found in quite a while.

I have pretty flat/wide feet so it's cool that they have so many sizes and widths available. Good arch support and a fairly sturdy shoe for the price. Check it out:
New Balance mens 608 V5 Casual Comfort Cross Trainer


Happy belated Birthday to one of my favorite old-school White Sox guys, Robin Ventura. Robin is the only guy in baseball history to get six hits off of Nolan Ryan in one game. In fact, he got them all in one inning. Actually he got 'em in about one minute. In his face.


Scumbags hanging out in Washington Square Park blocked NYPD officers from entering the iconic New York City park as hundreds of people flooded the park Friday night. A video showed dozens of people surrounding a squad car, taking videos with their phones and playing a recorded message on a loop: 'Turn in your resignation. You are not needed here or anywhere.' Officers remained calm despite the antagonistic actions, which led to a peaceful resolution by the end of the night. 
The way I figure it, what most of these jerkoffs never got when they were growing up was a good, old-fashioned schoolyard ass kicking. That might explain why they act like such scumbags now. 
Trust me - when I was on the job in Newark, this shit woulda been put down in two fuckin' seconds, end of fuckin' story. Juss' sayin'...

Women love shit like that. Wonder why...




Take a look at this cleaning kit and you'll see  you can't get this same deal or even better elsewhere. At less than $ 40 bucks it's ridiculously cheap. No kidding.

Find it by clicking on the picture or here:


This is Willis Carrier. He's the guy who changed the world in the same kinda way that Edison did with the light bulb and the telephone. He's the inventor of air conditioning.






  1. Ref the question in #6. Knowing they can't get amnesty approved, this is their new immigration plan. Same as the old one. Let'em in, let'em go and keep working to get them legal status.

  2. reference: the picture of Kamala - an answer to the question: "If you understand why the Dems want to flood the country with these illegals, would you kindly let us know."
    1) these are not your father's Democrats - these are Socialist-Progressives, minimally right of Bernie, who are devoted to the concept of turning the United States of America in Venezuela.
    2) these people have read both George Orwell and Saul Alinsky and understand that by changing the definitions of words they can win any argument.
    3) the invaders (call them what they are) will take jobs from Americans
    4) the invaders will ship a large amount of money to relatives still back home, thereby disrupting the money supply in our country - economists can explain this detail far better than I
    5) The entire point of this exercise is the overthrow (leading to the American Civil War II) of the stable, republican form of government.
    shall I continue?

  3. Ya see? You guys get it. A lot of people don't...


Another politician we can all look up to...

“Pete Hegseth is a fucking liar,” Duckworth said. “This is so clearly classified info he recklessly leaked that could’ve gotten our pilots k...