Friday, July 16, 2021

Just when you thought it was safe to think for yourself...

This new 'variant' bullshit has our civic leaders clambering to regain the power they thought they had last year at this time... 

Well fuck them. Let 'em try to clamp this shit down again. Won't end well.

On Thursday, L.A. County said it will require that everyone wear masks indoors beginning Saturday. It was not immediately clear whether Clark County was considering enacting stricter regulations.



When George Brett was chasing a .400 batting average late in the season, a reporter asked him how he thought Ty Cobb would fare in the modern age of baseball. When Brett said that Cobb would be a .280 hitter, tops, the reporter thought he was crazy. “Are you saying that Ty Cobb, the greatest hitter of all time, would only hit .280 if he was playing today?”  Brett said, “you gotta remember, he’d be over 100 years old by now”.


Don't kid yerself - this shit's been going on forever...

They aren't even subtle about it. Be very, very careful with this very slippery slope we're on nowadays with these fuckin' people. They are Moy Dangeroso...


And they're gonna sing - or play it or whatever - before the National Anthem. Fuckin' jerkoffs. I most certainly will never EVER watch another game, considering I lost interest years ago anyway...
When will the pandering finally end - when there are absolutely zero white people watching sports on TV? Is that when these friggin' pussies will finally figure out how much bowing down and kissing ass is infuriating to most people? WTF is wrong with this world?

Theses are really good quality tool bags. 
I have a couple of them.

Get a couple for yourself at a great price.
Click on the picture or on this link:

If you didn't grow up being able to do shit like this, you missed out on something very important.

That musta really happened. That's pretty fuckin' hilarious.







Because we're fucking idiots. You knew that.


If you didn't grow up being able to do shit like this, you missed out on something very important.



If you have Gout and you've never
 known how this supplement can
 help, maybe now's time to learn.

Black Cherry Concentrate does one thing - and one thing only. 
It breaks down Uric Acid in your system
 It does nothing else. It doesn't interfere with anything, it has no side effects or contra-indications with other drugs or supplements that I know of. It does just one thing. It knocks down the severity and frequency of gout flareups. I haven't had one in probably five or so years taking just two of these a day. It's a god-send. Believe me. 

Click on the picture or this link for even more info:

And saying 'hefty' is being kind. Yikes.


If you didn't grow up being able to do shit like this, you missed out on something very important.


A mushroom cloud from an atomic test 75 miles away from a Las Vegas hotel back in 1953. 75 miles and I'l bet that fucker was still unbelievably loud. If that didn't scare the fuck out of them, nothing would.

I am sure, without reading the accompanying article, that some jerkoff somewhere had to use the phrase 'an abundance of caution'. I have REALLY come to fuckin' hate that phrase. I really have.


Ya gotta read the remarks to real get this.


You don't EVER have to pay $ 40 or more again 
for jeans - not when these are available...

Cheaper even than what you can get at any WalMart, Target, Kohl's or Rural King - and they're well made and durable. Did I mention they sell for as little as $ 15.00 a pair?
Find them by clicking on the picture or here:

Right click on this to see what's new:


Who the fuck has 'emoji contests' and who the fuck gives a fuck? Sorry for the alliteration, but fuck...


Turns out Little Pinnochio was lying when he
 told the guys he could start a fire by himself...



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Two grand on a dead chicken? Yikes...

What a clucking tragedy. Parents and a teacher in an upscale Park Slope neighborhood shelled out more than $2,000 to cover medical bills for...