Sunday, July 4, 2021

Have you done anything worthwhile to deserve anything as good as this?

 I'm only talking about the Sunday Funnies. 
Don't get crazy... 

How about a little 'Street Life" while you're reading?

The Crusaders - Street Life (Live at Montreux 2003)









Perfect for babe watching, hunting, fishing,
ball games, etc. You get the idea.

At under $ 36.00, this is a helluva deal. 
Find it by clicking on the picture or this link:








Right click on the banner to open it in a new tab and see if there 
isn't something there that you just absolutely, positively havta have:








If you have Gout you know there's nothing funny 
about it at all. But this is the perfect remedy for it.

Black Cherry Concentrate does one thing - and one thing only. 
It breaks down Uric Acid in your system
 It does nothing else. It doesn't interfere with anything, it has no side effects or contra-indications with other drugs or supplements that I know of. It does just one thing. It knocks down the severity and frequency of gout flareups. I haven't had one in probably five or so years taking just two of these a day. It's a god-send. Believe me. Click on the picture or this link for even more info:










Do you have 'issues' with your WiFi at home? You'd be amazed at the  difference this signal booster has made at our house.

These things work great. Try one for yourself.
There's more information about how these work right here. 
Click on the above picture or this link:










Have a birthday, an anniversary or some 
other event worth celebrating coming up? 
You can find something nice for your Mom, your wife, your daughter or your girlfriend right here. This is some of the jewelry my wife makes.

Click on the picture above for information on this item

Click on the picture above for information on this item

There's a lot more different items of her jewelry available on Etsy. 
Take a look at the one-of-a-kind jewelry my wife creates for women. 

See some more for yourself by clicking here:
It's really nice stuff and the prices include free shipping to almost anywhere! 



  1. #27...that guy is going to hate waking up in a benjo ditch - an open sewer line.

    #37...obviously a restaurant started by a military cook.


Think black voters don't like DJT? Think again - even CNN admits it...

  Former President Donald Trump is surging with a voter bloc Americans might not expect - black voters are flocking to Trump in huge numbers...