Monday, May 17, 2021

Tonight we celebrate Native American women in all their glory.

 We will definitely have to create a new rule for these ladies. 'Rule 5' just doesn't seem high enough a number... 










Pop your head out the front door and take a look 
at the American flag you have in your yard. 
Maybe it's time for you to replace it.

Celebrate America by buying American-made.
You'll find it right here for under $ 20 bucks:





I doubt she's authentic, but...




These are certainly strange times -  there's very little to doubt about that. To this line of thinking, it might be good to realize that something as fearsome as this might fit very smartly under the front seat of your car or truck...

This is the McCoy - the real deal. The same fighting knife issued by the USMC. Find one for yourself by clicking on the picture or here on this link:

Okay - maybe not 'authentic', but damn...



No idea who she is, but she needs to be here.

Ditto what I said...


Paris - you little spinner poser you...



Great tool bags. 
I have a couple of them.

Get a couple for yourself at a great price.
Click on the picture or on this link:

And the best for last as usual...


Now ya know why he was sad. 
Because they all left the reservation.

Have a lady who's birthday or maybe an anniversary or something else special is coming up? 
Surprise her with something unique.

Click on the picture above for information on this item

Click on the picture above for information on this item

There's a lot more different items of her jewelry available on Etsy. 
Take a look at the one-of-a-kind jewelry my wife creates for women. 
It's really nice stuff and the prices include 
free shipping to almost anywhere! 
See some for yourself here:



  1. Hopefully you do understand that HE was Italian, not Indian!

  2. Funny....not a one of em looked anything like Elizabeth Warren.

  3. The "Crying Indian" was Iron Eyes Cody aka Espera Oscar de Corti. He was an Italian.

  4. Shark attack isn't so bad a way to go. At least it is fast. Better than wasting away in pain in hospice for months. Every oncologist I know has said they'd rather go out with a heart attack or someway quick rather than go through cancer treatment to die. Knew a Harvard oncologist who chose NOT to get cancer treatment once he knew it was terminal. The treatment is worse than the disease. He just got palliative care, and went out faster.

    1. I'll pass on thre shark thing. I wanna go out like John Entwhistle.


These two MSDNC cunts should both choke on their words...

According to the NY Post (I don't watch the channel), Maddow bizarrely accused Trump of being “disgusting” for spotlighting DJ’s heroic...