Wednesday, March 17, 2021

We need St. Pat to come back and chase the friggin' snakes outta Washington.

Biden tells the migrants 'don't come' to the US as the border crisis surges...  

He said it in English while wearing two masks, 
so I guess nobody knows what he said... 




Wanna know the number one reason
 why I will NOT get a COVID 'vaccine'?

It's like them stupid 'I voted' stickers after the last election. WTF is happening to people in this country? Who gives a fuck if you voted or got a shot? Shut the fuck up and go away. Now. Go.

This is from DC Comics newest edition -
 'AOC in despair'


From Fakebook a year ago today. They closed the friggin' 
bars on St, Paddy's Day. Imagine the horror.

She was featured in a post last night. 
I think this is hilarious.

Tough talk from the Zombie-in-Chief.

These are really comfortable knockin' around pants but 
still okay enough for going out for dinner or drinks.   

At under 25 bucks each, a good deal, too. See for yourself:

Man, I really do wish I still had all the discs and viewers I went through as a kid. These things were so cool when I was young, but then again we didn't have 1/500th of the shit kids have today as distractions.


JetBlue, currently headquartered in the Long Island City neighborhood of Queens, is exploring its office options in the wake of the pandemic - a move that could see it ship more corporate jobs here to the Sunshine State. 
That's great, but leave your bullshit politics in NY.

There are FOUR different pollen seasons here. 
My sinuses quit on me about four years ago.


The day you ever see me dressed like that 
is the day the sun will go dark. Juss' sayin'...

This is The Devils Tower in Wyoming. It's 867ft from base to summit, and I'll betcha whatever happened to make this thing the way it is was REALLY fuckin' loud. Juss' sayin'...


That's a little more like it...



This was called the 'Welbike'. 

The Welbike was a British-designed motorcycle made to fit in an air drop canister for use during WWII. They produced a couple thousand of these, but supposedly only around ten got sent in to theater of operations. Wonder what the did with all the leftovers?


I wonder when or if these fuckin' goof balls
on the left coast will ever wise up.
I wonder why I would actually give a fuck also.

This is a really cool storefront here on the main drag 
in Mount Dora, FL. The  details are amazing.


I'da bought every one of them if I wasn't at that flea market 
with 'Mrs. Not in my fuckin' lanai you don't'...

That's just friggin' insanity.


These are good sweat socks and this 
is a really good price for them.

Find 'em for yourself here:

If Trump ate a banana split they declared a crisis. 
Different rules apply? No shit Shirley.

Cedar Key is a funky little town on the Gulf Coast about 75 minutes from me. I like these little places you can run away to for an overnight getaway.


This is San Pedro - the patron saint 
of Rio Grande swimmers.



Trying to find a nice gift or surprise
 for your wife or girlfriend?
Take a minute and look at the jewelry my wife makes. It's not expensive 
and it will make a really nice gift for someone special to you. 

Click on the picture for information about the items above.

Click on the picture for information about this item

It's really nice stuff and the prices include 
free shipping to almost anywhere! 
There's a large variety of items that she makes that are available on her Etsy 'storefront'. See some for yourself by clicking on any  of the pictures above or click here:



Those Twisted Hillbillies come through with major league babes day after day...

... Here's a nice idea for a gift  that's  both elegant and very affordable...   Click on the picture for more information on this b...