Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Watcha gonna do when the well runs dry?

 Joe and the Dems are gonna spend us in to a worthless dollar if they do all they say they're gonna... 






Took me a minute...



Yeah - but look at the payoff down the road. Ya get to be Governor of New Jersey. Two of their last three were Goldman guys.

That's a serious message but very subtle.
I like subtle.


These are good sweat socks and this 
is a really good price for them.

Find 'em for yourself here:


What a great shot this is...

Night time - New York City, NY. What a spectacular place it is. I do miss it occasionally.

Print advertising is almost a dead art form.




The IRS didn’t say how many payments are in this batch. But the feds said “a large number” will be mailed in the form of a physical check or prepaid debit card, so anyone who doesn’t get a direct deposit should keep an eye on the mail.

There are few - if any - smells better than this.


This was on TV again last night. I can not NOT watch it when it comes up. It's that good a movie.



There is nothing in this pic that you can't like. Except maybe she's probably dead by now...


Microwaves don't toast and this little sucker is an actual convection oven. 
Turns out I use it a lot more than I thought I would.

See if this isn't something you should have, too:

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