Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Can you spend money like you never ever have to pay for anything? This Government thinks it can.

 This Government thinks it can... 


I wrote and posted this one year ago today right here. 
Interesting perspective...
Gov. Gavin Newsom - a full-blown fuckin' idiot if there ever was one - called yesterday for what he called “profoundly significant steps” to limit the spread of coronavirus, including the isolation at home of all residents 65 years and older; the closure of nightclubs, wineries and bars; and the purchase by the state of hotels to shelter some of the state’s 150,000 homeless people.
The orders in the nation’s most populous state came as governors across the country began to impose further limits on public gatherings in an attempt to slow the spread of a virus that has already claimed nearly 60 lives in the United States.
“We need to meet this moment aggressively,” Mr. Newsom said. “The most important thing is to protect our most vulnerable.”
Around five million seniors in California would be affected by the guidelines, which also apply to people with certain chronic health conditions.
I am over the age of 65. Let the motherfucker come to my house and tell me I have to stay inside. Let him - or anyone - try.
The governor also banned all visits to nursing homes, assisted-living facilities and hospitals except for cases in which a patient is on the edge of death. If your Mom and Dad are in assisted living, you are not allowed to see them Think about that!
The State of California can now seize hotels and motels by Executive Order from the Governor to 'house' people that they deem need to be 'isolated. Researchers have said homeless people, many of whom have medical ailments, are among the most vulnerable to coronavirus. They will be collected and placed in these facilities.
This is something out of a not-scary B-movie from the 50's. It's ridiculous, it's scary, and we should be very, VERY concerned about how these people think they can control our lives and restrict our freedoms over a so-called 'health crisis'.


How to garner votes without doing anything...



Since when is creating these bullshit 'Historic Firsts' more important than choosing a person with the right qualifications?

Representative Deb Haaland of New Mexico made history on Monday when the Senate confirmed her as President Biden’s secretary of the Interior, making her the first Native American to lead a cabinet agency.
Ms. Haaland in 2018 became one of the first two Native American women elected to the House. But her new position is particularly redolent of history because the department she now leads has spent much of its history abusing or neglecting America’s Indigenous people.


... '

My buddy Jay carries this model Buck knife. 
It's kinda like mine but it's a little bigger

See for yourself if this isn't something you might like. 
You can buy it here directly from Buck at a huge discount:

During Hollywood's Golden Age, Hedy Lamarr not only was an acclaimed actress, but also a prolific inventor. She streamlined Howard Hughes's airplanes, designed a better stoplight, and then turned her attention to the weapons industry.
Together with pianist George Antheil, Lamarr sought to fix a problem with the radio guidance systems on U.S. Navy torpedos by creating and patenting a radio system that hopped frequencies to avoid hacking and interference.
It was brilliant, but ahead of its time - it was too complicated to go into production until the 1960s.

Lamarr and Antheil's spread-spectrum technology helped fuel the birth of the wireless communications industry, and has been used in cell phones, Bluetooths, and other modern technologies.
Lamarr and Antheil's work got them both inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame in 2014.




The dip followed a report that India would propose a law making it illegal to possess, trade or issue any cryptocurrency, which would cut off access to a massive market for the burgeoning crypto industry.
If it’s enacted, the measure would give India one of the world’s strictest policies against cryptocurrency as officials there look to build a framework for an official digital currency

I never had a dog that cool. Nobody I know 
has ever had a dog that cool. Juss' sayin'...



Ain't that some bullshit? Sad but true.

... ]

These are simply great tool bags.
I have three of them now.

Get a couple for yourself:

A US Navajo Marine communicating over his radio in the field of battle somewhere in the Pacific theatre during WWII.

Yeah - ya can't get much stupider than that, now can ya?


What amazing technology that we take for granted without fully understanding it. Think about the guy - Edison -  who figured this out first. What a mind he must have had.

Phonograph record magnified 1000x.





I can't say that is a good thing. 
The whole idea seems somehow outta whack.

Mrs. A.E. Batt inserts a record into the player -  the Phillips Auto Mignon - she has had installed in her car.

This is definitely not outta whack:


Do you keep a First Aid kit in your vehicle? 
It's only $ 25 bucks, so why not?

This is a pretty good one - take a look:
Comes complete with a FREE Bonus 32-Piece Mini First Aid Kit

Charlton Heston's gun room.








  1. What the media - and the Democratic Party - doesn't mention when they are singing the praises of the new Secretary of Interior, Deb Haaland, is that she is only 1/2 Native American. Father was of good old Caucasian Norwegian ancestry. Seems that there are a lot of 1/2 breeds in the Liberal ranks.

  2. Obama never spoke of his mother because the white part of him has no value.


Here's another really sexy HillBetty from our friends at Twisted Hillbilly.

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