Sunday, January 3, 2021

With all due political correctness, I am going to have to change my name.

 I've been told by my 'woke' sister that our family name is racist. My 6th-great Uncle Thomas might disagree... 

Yup - somewhere around eight generations ago, this stalwart fellow was kin to me. The Senate has decided that nothing should be named after a Confederate General, so it's off to court for me.



Led Zeppelin performs at Kezar Stadium 
in San Francisco, California - June 2, 1973. 
I WAS there.
The Tubes
Lee Michaels
Ten Years After
Led Zep
Rooftop seating across the street.
Nancy Martinez.
Mr. Natural blotter acid.
Pagan Pink Ripple.
Entirely too much weed.
Jimmy Paige was more fucked up than I was.
It was an interesting, very long day and night...

Like what you're hearing here? 
There's so much more great Rock & Roll to 
explore with Amazon Prime Music. 

Find out for yourself - right click on the banner to make it 
open in a new tab and see for yourself:


Looks like ole' Mitch's house got hit last might too. Shamefull? Nah -  I say, just stupid.

Late at night, after more than a few beers, shit seems to make a lot more sense than it does in the morning. 
Jackson's No. 1 rule? Always wait till morning.

Growing old is only for the bravest of souls. Trust me - people start to get really fuckin' stupid when they start bangin' on the 70 door.


Large Numbers Of Health Care And Frontline Workers Are Refusing Covid-19 Vaccine

Despite the Covid-19 death count in the United States rapidly accelerating, a startlingly high percentage of health care professionals and frontline workers throughout the country—who have been prioritized as early receipts of the coronavirus vaccine—are reportedly hesitant or outright refusing to take it, despite clear scientific evidence that the vaccines are safe and effective.  
What are we supposed to think when they print bullshit stories like this? And it was in Forbes for fuck sake. 


This is the speaker I got for streaming music out in the lanai.  

The sound is amazing, and I can leave it out and not worry about rain or snow. 
Only kidding about the snow...

You'll find it here:

76 years ago this week, my Father (who was home on leave and having just returned from the south Pacific and the Battle of Leyte Gulf) took his fiance - my Mother - to the '400 Club' in New York City.

According to an ad in the Sunday Mirror (an NYC Daily paper at the time) Charlie Barnet and his orchestra were headlining at the 400 Restaurant at Fifth Avenue and 43rd Street, appearing with "Marga" and her rhumbas. Barnet was a socialite playboy turned swing band leader who had a string of hits in the late 1930s and early 1940s, most notably "Cherokee." He was one of the first to have an integrated band. Fran Warren was his vocalist at this time. Noted trumpeter Al Killian also was featured in the band.
The club featured continuous dancing from 6:30 PM to 3:00 AM. The New Yorker Magazine listed flamboyant drummer Gene Krupa and his band as the attraction as well.
My God she was beautiful.

For all the ragging I do on deBlasio and what a complete fuck-job he's doing on NYC, I have to admit that I really do miss the city. The theaters, restaurants, museums, parks, people, sounds, everything. I miss it all.



Bitcoin has been flirting with the $30,000 mark for weeks, and finally passed that record-setting level Saturday. The virtual currency is now valued at above $33,000, an all-time high.
Bitcoin (XBT) has tripled in value during 2020, growing steadily even as the stock market plunged in the early days of the pandemic. Investors have been drawn to it, as well as other cryptocurrencies, as the US dollar has weakened. With the Federal Reserve expected to leave interest rates near zero for several more years, bitcoin may continue to win new fans.
Well-known names are adding to bitcoin's mainstream appeal. Rick Rieder, the chief investment officer of fixed income BlackRock (BLK), has said the digital currency could replace gold. Payment giant PayPal (PYPL) has embraced bitcoin, after showing reluctance to do so.

I don't trust much that I can't hold in my hand. Good for you if you bought in to this shit cheap and can sell high. I'm proud of you. A lot of people have already lost everything behind the dip and dives of this shit.

Tesla reports 499,550 vehicle deliveries for 2020, slightly missing target

For the year, Tesla delivered 499,550 vehicles in 2020, slightly missing its most recent guidance of 500,000 vehicles. At an annual shareholder meeting earlier this year, CEO Elon Musk told shareholders he expected deliveries to hit an implied range between 477,750 and 514,500 cars for 2020, despite the impacts of the coronavirus pandemic. 
Imagine the sound of his brain exploding when they didn't hit 500k?
The Q4 numbers represent a new record for Musk’s auto business, which set its previous best in the third quarter of 2020 with deliveries reaching 139,300 then.
Another quick thought - who the fuck is buying these things? I know shitloads of people all over the friggin' world, and I only know one guy - here in Florida - who's a 75-ear old goofball Brit who bought a used one a year ago and got rid of it almost immediately. Thing didn't hold a charge for shit. The most he could go was like 80 miles. I don't get it.

I had a dog that stupid once...
(I had a girlfriend that stupid once, too, but that's a story for another day.

My wife and I have this same exact conversation every frikkin' year...

What a great gift this would make
 for the food lover in your house...

This is the set I finally bought about six months ago, and I honestly could not have made a better choice. See them for yourself here: 



Sunrise yesterday morning over Lake Sumter here by my house. 
It can be fairly fuckin' spectacular around here.

'Bikini clad revelers' are celebrating the New Year in Miami, seemingly unperturbed by the city's rising number of COVID-19 cases.  
On Saturday, hundreds of young, hip, good-looking, healthy people were seen soaking up the sun on South Beach, as others flocked to a nearby hotel for a kick-ass fuckin' pool party.  The 'ongoing pandemic' appeared to be far from the sun seekers' minds. 

Yeah, right. Tell me again it's just me.


Whatever you're looking for, you can click on any Amazon link - any item you see featured here on the blog (even the banner above) to get to Amazon. 

I'd trade my left nut for one of these 
with factory paint and mileage...

Hahahhaha... Oops -  I'm mean, gee, that's tough...

Makes sense to me, Cal...

Jenny McCarthy. She was a major babe about 10  years ago. 
I wonder what happened to her...


A good-looking combo fitness tracker/
smart watch for under $ 40.00? 

Find it here: 

Maybe I should just leave.



Think about the sex life she's not gonna have. I take that back. I betcha there's a shitload of butch chics out there that'd have at her.

Some day somebody's gonna have to explain to me why these fuckin' jackasses do the stupid shit they do, because honest to god my brain cannot function on a level that low. When you do explain it, please use small simple words, okay?




There really are some amazing offers and prices on Amazon, and I'm not shillin' at all. I'm  being honest. I just got a brandy-frikkin-new Gibson G-45 for myself for Christmas. What a wonderful, rich, full-bodied sound that guitar has. It really is like no other I've ever played.

See for yourself what you can find here:





  1. Happy New Year, Joe
    Then your kin & my kin were neighbors back in the western counties of Virginia. My people were along the West Fork in Harrison County, a few miles downstream from Jackson's mill.

    1. Too far back to be sure about anything, really...

  2. Rick's plan for naming public items, to be implemented after I'm voted Dictator For Life - 1. No public works shall be named for anyone who EVER held public office, until 50 years after their death. 2. If a public official is assassinated while in office, they get ONE high school named for them. No other forms of death count. 3. All currently named public works will be renamed by a commission (formed by me) and will use names based on animals, locations, planets, etc.

    1. I say we name them all for movie actresses from the 40's. case dismissed.

  3. One thing is certain,you are definitely your mother’s son,no denying that! My Uncle Tommy had a 51 Caddy,bought it new,man was he proud of that car. My cousin Lou destroyed it after he snuck it out for a joyride in 1965. The story that went around the family was that if no one had stopped my uncle he”d of killed my cousin. The car at that time had still less than 30,000;miles on it

    1. Car weighed four tons at least. My next door neighbor had one until he died in the 80's.

  4. Re: McConnell's home redecoration: "Mitch better have my money!"

    Re: Jenny McCarthy: She gave up all the fame and fortune and became a simple biochemistry expert, warning us about the dangers of vaccinations. (Been pretty quiet about it in 2020 however.)

    1. she married a TV guy - one of the Boston Brothers

  5. Happy new year Joe! Lot's of testing went into these vaccines, they must have used a time machine to get the time needed to really see if they are safe...

    I'd read that China was forcing people into electric cars as a way to curb the smog

    That Miami beach partying picture? I didn't see any in the 65-90 age group (high risk) in that picture...

    1. I still don't know if I'd take the vaccine, and I'm not an anti-vaxxer...

    2. The vaccine was done quick and the is a lot of money involved, I'm going to wait.


I gotta make these tougher...