Monday, January 25, 2021

To impeach or not to impeach - that is the question, isn't it?

 Tell me again why it's a good idea to do this shit when the guy is no longer on office. I get confused... 


I've shown you this before. I wonder how many times it took her to get it right.



I won't bother you with details from this ludicrous article on POLITICO. I'll tell ya the crux of the story. The OMB people's feelings are hurt. Yup. That's it. Buncha fuckin' woosies.


B-17 ball turret gunner. The worst, most 
dangerous job you could imagine.

Fuckin' guy's been in office three days and they drop this bullshit on us? GTFOH. Jeez. The guy's a fuckin' miracle worker. By Friday probably all the blind people will see. Makes my brain hurt how absolutely fuckin' gullible they must think we are.






Incredible shit like this is happening every day of our lives now but the media doesn't tell us about this. It's a closeup of Jupiter’s clouds from the Juno Spacecraft. The fuckin' media'd rather tell me a bout a mass-murder in Cleveland. Like I give a fuck about that.


Round up the usual suspects. 
This is my couch on my lanai.

I can't even imagine how friggin' pissed his old man musta been when he found out. The little prick - imagine ratting on your own father? How many friends ya think this little shit still has?

This is almost an hour long, but it is frighteningly serious and worthy of watching. Take the time - this lady doctor is for real about how they've been lying to us all along during this COVID bullshit..


A pistol being shot underwater. Wonder if 
he shot a hole in the pool's side...


There are double standards working their way in to every aspect of our lives. Because we let them do it. This shit's gotta stop eventually, doesn't it?


You haven't heard the potential your TV has until you have one of these. It gives you incredible sound quality.

Click on the picture or the link for more info:

This week in Florida History - In 1977, snow fell in the greater Miami area for the very first and only time ever

And this is what it looked like.

This is a macro photograph of a natural snowflake. 
Wonder how they can do that without the thing melting.


That ain't fuckin' ridiculous, is it? Is it me?

Chevrolet Vega cars being shipped via train in 1971. Back then there was a GM depot parking lot area right near my house and they usta unload the trains there just like this about once a week.

Here ya go - you might need this:


The entire set for Sean Connery's 'The Hunt for Red October' 
was built to move like a real submarine.


The Japanese are crazy people. 
In case you were wondering.

Here's the best electric knife sharpener I've been able to find.

It's $ 20.00 cheaper at this link than any other I've seen. 
To find out more click on the picture or this link here:


What a completely worthless fuckin' piece of shit this guy is, and now he the fuckin' majority leader of the Senate? My brain is bleeding.


The Longaberger Company’s headquarters. 
They make baskets. Imagine that.

This is your life. Same as mine...


Find something nice for your wife or girlfriend. 
Take a look at the one-of-a-kind jewelry my wife creates for women. 

There's a lot more different items of her jewelry available on Etsy. 
It's really nice stuff and the prices include 
free shipping to almost anywhere! 
See some for yourself by clicking on any
 of the pictures above or click here:




  1. The basket/office building is east of Columbus off I-70. Longaberger is out of business now. Someone else owns the building. The baskets were hand-made, nice, and pricey. Never bought one. Neither did most other people. Too artsy-fartsy. Hence bankruptcy.

  2. What happened to the brunette in the blue bikini you always had at the end?

  3. Update on the basket. I live down the road a piece from it
    The hotel deal fell apart and it is just sitting empty and falling apart.

  4. I was in boot camp in Orlando when it snowed in 1977. Everything was outside. Swim test sucked.


What - a doll...