Friday, January 1, 2021

Okay. It's the New Year - it's 2021. Big friggin' deal - doesn't change a thing.

 Do you feel different waking up today than you did yesterday? Is your New Year world filled with hope and promise?
Mine isn't any more today than yesterday. Woke up in the same bed in the same room in the same house. Life is good.





For the first time in 114 years, the New Year’s Eve spectacular in Times Square was held without a live audience. As the final hours of 2020 ticked away, the NYPD blocked off public access to the site known around the world for its New Year’s Eve celebrations packed with partygoers.
A live video feed of the area from Reuters showed just a handful of people milling around - instead of the hundreds of thousands who usually gather to watch the ball drop at midnight.






How about this nifty little self-defense combo?

Find it here:





Think the might wanna go back and read that chapter of the manual again, huh?


On Wednesday, at her weekly press conference, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi harped on the differences in economic status among Americans, stating that the coronavirus pandemic has “pulled back the curtain to reveal further disparities in our economy and in our society,” while adding, “Clearly, the disparities in income and equity in our country are vast.”
Citing the pandemic, Pelosi said that the economic disparities in the country had “gotten worse.”
Pelosi’s comments elicited blowback that pointed out her own vast personal wealth, which is estimated to be roughly $114 million, according to her 2018 personal financial disclosure.

In case you mighta forgot what a despicable piece of shit this broad is...



I'm thinkin' the cat's done that before...

And maybe someday monkeys will fly out of my ass.

No matter what you may be looking for, you can click on any Amazon link - any posted item you see featured here on the blog (even the banner above) to get to Amazon. 

My 2021 New Year's Resolution.


Just can't say that enough...


Have you ever seen Lana, Natalie Wood's Sister? 
Among other things, she was a Bond Girl...

Will someone somewhere please tell me what the fuck these fuckin' scumbags are 'protesting' about? 
This shit has been going on there for eight months and I'm still clueless as to why. They need to be put down - and put down really fuckin' hard once and for all.


And the whole concept of a 'living wage' is 110% bullshit also. There never was such a thing until some jerkoff lib invented the phrase.

Nora Charles. What a major babe.

No good dead goes unpunished:

Ya see? There are jerkoffs everywhere, not just here in the States. 
File this under 'the motherfuckers will never be happy with anything'...


A great pair of jeans for under $ 15.00 bucks?
I wouldn't lie to you.
I've bought 4 pairs for myself.

Rustler makes a great pair of pants for a ridiculously low price. See for yourself here - there's plenty of styles and sizes to choose from:

Jeez. When these liberal dooshbags start busting de Blasio's 
balls, he must really REALLY suck. Oh, that's right. He does.

Even Vincent is confused...

How's about something like this 
to start the new year off right?


The Pula Arena, Roman amphitheatre located in Pula, Croatia. 
Ever heard of this one? I didn't either.


A wild brawl broke out between Mississippi State and Tulsa players following the Armed Forces Bowl in Fort Worth, Texas on Thursday. 
After the final gun sounded on the Bulldogs' 28-26 win, tempers boiled over along the sideline as nearly every player became involved in violent melee. Coaches from both teams were seen trying and failing to 'control' their players. 
Bulldogs wide receiver Malik Heath was seen kicking a Tulsa player during the fight and immediately running away from the scene like the fuckin' pussy he is. 

The exact cause of the fight was not immediately known. That's fuckin' hilarious.

It's gotta be a Chris Shapan. No way this is legit.


This is not good news at all. I was living on St. John when the volcano on Montserrat blew. That fucked up the island pretty much forever, covering two-thirds of the island in ten feet of ash.



Going out into the snow? These are good sweat socks 
and this is a really good price for them.  

Find 'em for yourself here:

Even Vincent can't keep up with all the craziness going around us every day. WTF?.


And Shep's as confused as Vincent...


Cy'all later...



  1. Well we wound up at an impromptu party at a neighbors house & we had a gas. Everyone whipped up a dish and we all BYOB’d. Good time had by all. I even slept in a bit and didn’t get up til 5:00 AM.....LOL. I hope you and your wife had a good time

    1. She's sick and I was asleep by 9:00. Mr. and Mrs. Excitement...

  2. Picture #15, that girl walking on the beach? Any idea where that was taken?

    1. If you click on a picture you get all the photos with numbers on a separate screen (at least on my computer), it's the one with the girl walking away on a beach, holding snorkel gear with the mountains to her left.

    2. Gotcha. That looks like it could be the Pitons.

  3. Most likely somewhere in the South Pacific like Vietnam


Yer killin' me Auntie - can't get one by you. Here ya go...

...    When you buy your wife, daughter or girfriend gifts of the jewelry Barbara makes, you do three things:  You show your support for thi...