Tuesday, January 26, 2021

He's no puppet our new President. Just ask him.

 Although I do have to admit the resemblance 
is pretty friggin' amazing... 





Okay. I'm not retired. But I'm not in Jersey 
anymore so I got that goin' for me...

New Jersey is the worst place in America to retire according to the latest analysis from WalletHub. The Garden State finished behind New York (#49), Connecticut (#43), and Pennsylvania (#32). “In order to identify the most retirement-friendly states, WalletHub compared the 50 states across three key dimensions: 1) Affordability, 2) Quality of Life and 3) Health Care,” the site’s explanatory blurb begins. New Jersey finished 50th in affordability, 35th in quality of life, and 33rd in health care.
“We evaluated those dimensions using 45 relevant metrics, which are listed below with their corresponding weights. Each metric was graded on a 100-point scale, with a score of 100 representing the most favorable conditions for retirement. For metrics marked with an asterisk (*), we used the square root of the population to calculate the population size in order to avoid overcompensating for minor differences across states,” the Wallet Hub team elaborated. “We then calculated each state’s weighted average across all metrics to determine its overall score and used the resulting scores to rank-order the states.”

Canada will ban plastic bags, straws, cutlery, and other single-use plastics starting this year.

They banned paper bags to save the trees. How'd that works out for them - a country with more friggin' trees than almost any other? 

Does anyone that lives near you do this?

I can't imagine this fuckin' stupidity is limited to just here in Florida. It's bad enough when ya see a woman doing it,  but I see a guy pushing a baby carriage with a little jerkoff yappy-dog in it, I wanna just run up to 'em and smack the livin' fuckin' stupid outta them.

A new analysis of the nation’s property taxes across all 50 states confirms that New Jersey has once again secured a dubious distinction: worst property tax state.
The Garden State’s current average annual property tax burden is $8,314 though it’s obviously much higher in Northern New Jersey. The national average is $2,787.


I finally (after 50+ years of blade shaving) 
bought an electric razor. I got this one.

For under $ 30.00, this is a good deal:

We are capable of such incredible magic.

The Earth and our moon as seen through Saturn's Rings

Ernest Hemingway look-alikes are being used by the Florida Keys tourism council to encourage visitors and residents to wear masks to protect against COVID-19.
The men, a former winner and five regular contestants in Key West’s annual “Papa” Hemingway Look-Alike Contest, appear in a short video that debuted Monday evening on Keys’ social media outlets, urging compliance with coronavirus health protocols.



This flip-flop pipsqueak quack makes
 more money than the President.

 Dr. Anthony Fauci made $417,608 in 2019, the latest year for which federal salaries are available. That made him not only the highest paid doctor in the federal government, but the highest paid out of all four million federal employees. In fact, Dr. Fauci even made more than the $400,000 salary of the President of the United States. All salary data was collected by OpenTheBooks.com via Freedom of Information Act requests.
Only federal employees whose salaries were funded by taxpayers were included in the study. Therefore, Tennessee Valley Authority CEO Jeffrey Lyash— whose salary is paid by revenues of the corporation (owned by the federal government) — was not included.







This may be the Sunshine State and all that happy shit, but Florida does get a little nipply this time of year. In the mornings it can be in the low 40's for quite a while till the sun kicks in. What I do - kinda like Sheldon on Big Bang - is wear a long-sleeve T-shirt under a short-sleeve one. That way if it does get a little toasty during the day (usually gets up to mid 70-ish), I just peel one off and I'm good for the rest of the day.
I found a good source for a great t-shirt. 
You might wanna check it out for yourself. It's here:


Ever seen Stonehenge in the snow? Me neither.

Biden cast doubt Monday on the ability of the Senate to convict former President Donald Trump- just as House impeachment managers were transmitting a formal article to the chamber that will set in motion his historic trial. Biden, who served for decades in the Senate and once chaired the Judiciary Committee, low-balled the chance of success for Democratic managers before they had even begun to make their case. 'The Senate has changed since I was there, but it hasn't changed that much,' 


If you, like me, find yourself asking 'What the fuck kinda country are we turning in to?', you'll appreciate this:


I'm trying to think what these three - NY State, NT City, and The Country  all have in common. Gimme a minute on this...




Kids today will never know how important these places were to any travelling family back in the day. The clams were fuckin' awesome, too - juss' so ya know. 

Clueless Joe strikes out. It gonna be an interesting 
coupla years with this dipshit in the Oval Office.

This is the clearest photo of Mercury ever taken


Personal safety is something that I still won't take lightly. 
You shouldn't either.. 

Readers here have been telling me for a while now that not only are they 
buying them for themselves,  they're buying them for their kids, 
their girlfriends and their wives. I think that's a great idea. 

There are a couple different strengths available here:

Good to know if ya ever need to make a little pocket change...

I'll leave ya wondering if this is even possible:



This metal sculpture made from a Volkswagen Bug is in Mt Dora, Florida, about 40 minutes from my house. I've seen it a few times - it's pretty cool

Your wife is charged with fuckin' a buncha kids and you're that fuckin' stupid that you would actually talk to the press? These people vote. Knowing that scares the livin' fuck outta me. Juss' sayin'.


Just a quick shout-out to all the guys here that have bought my wife's Jewelry as gifts for their significant others. I'd repost the nice comments here but my wife prefers I don't, and you know how that goes. She really does appreciate all of the nice things you guys say about her stuff. Thanks again. 
If you haven't considered buying her jewelry as a gift for someone special, it might be time to re-consider. Why not just take a look - It's not expensive and it's really nice stuff.

Find something nice for your wife or girlfriend. 
Take a look at the one-of-a-kind jewelry my wife creates for women. 

There's a lot more different items of her jewelry available on Etsy. 
It's really nice stuff and the prices include 
free shipping to almost anywhere! 
See some for yourself by clicking on any
 of the pictures above or click here:



1 comment:

  1. I moved from Maryland to Pennsylvania 20 years ago. Take home pay went up $50 a week. Since I retired my retirement income is not taxed as it would be in Maryland. No state tax on 401k withdraws, pension or SS. Since I bought a house on 31 acres zoned Agricultural I qualify for lower real estate and school taxes. In my case it works out to better than the 32nd place rating cited for Pennsylvania.


Okay Auntie - last time. If I don't getcha this time I surrender...

If you  get this, I'll know for sure you're using photo-manipulating  software. Juss' sayin... ...     Here's a great idea f...