Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Don't make fun of what England is doing with the lockdown.


 You know full fuckin' well if Biden can shut us all in our basements for a month he will... 

U.K. Bets 2 Million Vaccine Shots a Week 

Will End Lockdown

Boris Johnson pinned his hopes for a national recovery on a plan to deliver 2 million coronavirus vaccinations a week, as the U.K. went back into lockdown in an attempt to prevent hospitals being overwhelmed. 

   Amid dire warnings that the National Health Service could fail to cope with soaring infection rates, the prime minister shut England’s schools and ordered people across the country to stay at home. U.K. Chancellor of Exchequer Rishi Sunak on Tuesday pledged new support to help companies and Johnson will give a news conference at 5 p.m. London time.

Brrrrrrrr. Little nipply here to start the day.



I'm still confused by this website DAILY BEAST. Is it a goof - satirical like National Lampoon - or is it a semi-serious pseudo-news site? 
If it's the latter that would explain a lot about why this country is as fucked up these days as it is.


Celebrities urge fans to 'Win this thing is NOW'


Fuck. That isn't right. Right idea, wrong headline.
 Here it is in it's proper context: 

Celebrities urge fans to vote blue in Georgia runoff elections: 'Win this thing is NOW'

Rosie O'Donnell, Mark Ruffalo and more people you couldn't give a fuck about if you tried spoke out.

After a year filled with political hanky-panky, bullshit and hysterionics, some people who think of themselves as important - you know, 'celebrities' - have spoken out on Twitter regarding the elections in Georgia, urging 'fans' to vote blue. "The future of our country hangs on the outcome of the Senate races in GA," said the fat fuck totally worthless little weasel dooshbag 'comedian' Patton Oswalt. "Our last push to help @GeorgiaDemocrat get out the vote & win this thing is NOW."

Rosie O'Donnell shared a photo of herself wearing a mask (and nothing else - it's genuinely frightening, trust me) reading "Vote Warnock," a call for fans to cast ballots in favor of Raphael Warnock, a Democratic candidate. Thankfully, her fur-lines mask made her comments unintelligible, which they probably were anyway.


As we speak they're bringing in pallet-loads full of additional ballots to Atlanta in case they need them.


What's that saying about the pot calling the kettle something?
 Here's what happens when two idiots go after each other: Mayor Bill de Blasio on Monday slammed Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s plan to fine hospitals as a means of speeding up the state’s highly criticized slow vaccine rollout. “That’s just arrogance,” de Blasio said in an interview with NY1’s Errol Louis of Cuomo’s claims that the monetary penalties could speed up the process.
Hizzoner went on to defend the city’s healthcare workers and told Cuomo to lay off the threats. “Does he think that our healthcare professionals are uninterested in vaccinating people? How about trusting the people who have been our heroes?” de Blasio said.


I doubt if it's photoshopped. Looks more like it was done during hand-developing. Great shot though - great concept and brilliant use of light.

They may be Just Married, but not for long!

Imagine the Guard General who gets that call: "Yeah Miss Bugeyes - we'll be right down there for ya. No worries."


It's a little to late to be thinking about Christmas presents. 
Classy-looking ad though, isn't it?

I had a dog that stupid once...

Holy fuck - a politician who actually makes sense?
 Where'd they find THAT GUY?


A 'servant to the Queen' has been jailed for stealing royal memorabilia from Buckingham Palace including signed photographs of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. Who the fuck would want that shit anyway unless it was to plop it on eBay or something. 
God - people are fuckin' idiots. Juss' sayin'.

What are this guy's credentials as a 'newscaster' beyond being an angry black guy with a fucked-up attitude? There is no more 'NEWS' as I once knew it. It's all talking-head bullshit now.


Even Vincent's confused lately...

Reykjavik, Iceland. Looks pretty and all that shit but I bet it's cold as fuck up there. Thanks, but I'll pass. My blood is way to thin for that kinda shit.


67 years old and they still call me Joey. Go figure...


In 1930, this was considered the Vision of the Future. 
Imagine that...


When I was moving some of my shit down to Florida from Jersey I rigged up those side-panel for the ladder racks so I wouldn't look as much like Jed Clampett as I hadda. Did it work? Well, I didn't lose any shit that I know of...

Clap eight times if you're the biggest 
fuckin' jerkoff in Congress...

(Got you to count, didn't I?)




  1. Reykjavik is surprisingly temperate, with winter temps tending to be in the upper 20's at night and the upper 30's in the day, which is pretty similar to where I live in Salt Lake City, and much nicer than growing up in Chicago....

    On the other hand, in the summer it generally doesn't even get up to 60 during the day either, so there's that.

  2. Brit healthcare system can't cope with the rising infections, but is going to crank out 2M vaccine shots a week?

    1. If that's the model they wanna follow here in the States, we're fukt.
