Friday, December 4, 2020

Wear your mask for 100 days starting Wednesday, Jan. 20. Makes perfect sense, Joe.

 How many more lies and stupid statements 
will we tolerate from these so-called 'experts'? 
Joe Biden excluded, of course... 



The Last Straw was a head shop in Bloomfield, NJ back in the late 60's/early 70's. 
Blacklight posters, jeans, concert tickets, sandals and boots, records, incense, rolling papers, striped jalebas, the had everything a wanna-be hippie like me needed to look and (sorta) act the part.


And, by the way, while I'm thinking of it...

Happy Birthday you cute little thing, you.


Be still my heart - the Daily Beast actually giving Trump credit for something? Holy shit. The world must be coming to an end...


I toldja last week they were gonna
 change their name - here's proof.



My buddy Jay carries this model Buck knife. 
It's really similar to the one I carry. Nice knife.

See for yourself if this isn't something you might like. 
You can buy it here directly from Buck at a huge discount:

Fill them with awe and mystery and confusion, tell them that your answers are the only correct answers, and threaten them with eternal damnation if they do not believe. 

Do this and they will love you as a God - THE ONE AND ONLY GOD -  and they will become beholden to you and become your servants.

THAT is what religion is my friends, capeesh...

That's just in case you're a little


Of course they also always say 
"I'm juss' sayin'"...


It's so sad what became of this once great place. Time and technology passed it by, but it was truly a magnificent facility. 

The video shows the final stages of the collapse of the telescope hardware. 
It was far up in to The mountains on Puerto Rico, in the middle of the El Junke National Park - a spectacular place in and of itself.

Bamboo in el Yunque Tropical Rain Forest 
can grow up to be as much as 70'-80' tall.


Treat yourself to something really 
special for Christmas this year.

How about a new kick-ass sound system?
This one's on sale today.



Certainly gonna be an interesting coupla months 
before the Dems get rid of the guy, don'tcha think?

President-elect Joe Biden said he hoped, for the sake of the nation, President Donald Trump would attend his inauguration, shake his hand, and let the country move on. 
He also clarified the role his family will play in his White House and said his son Hunter will not pursue any business opportunities that would be a conflict of interest while he is president. The president-elect sat down for his first joint interview with Vice President-elect Kamala Harris and spent the hour conversation with CNN talking about the coronavirus pandemic, the role Harris will play in his administration and the current occupant of the White House. 
Biden also was asked about his son Hunter, who was accused of benefiting from business with Ukrainian and Chinese officials when Biden was vice president. He said neither his son nor any family members would not be involved in any conflicts of interest while he sat in the Oval Office. ‘My son, my family will not be involved in any business, any enterprise, that is in conflict with or appears to be a conflict whether the appropriate distance from the presidency and government.’ 


Sunset Landscape by Jason Anderson.
That is fairly spectacular work.

Is there anyone, anywhere, talking about anything that we can believe any more? It really has gotten fuckin' ridiculous. They say something, and then immediately turn around and either deny it, change it, or apologize for having said it in the first place. 





Bringing Up Baby - Directed by Howard Hawks, 1938. 
Great, silly Cary Grant/Kate Hepburn flick.

Didn't he just say TWO WEEKS?

See what I mean? This is fuckin' ridiculous. I really don't know how much longer people are going to tolerate the fuckin' craziness that these moron politicians spew on a daily basis.


What a great gift this would make
 for the food lover in your house.
Or for yourself...

This is the set I bought about eight months ago, and I honestly 
could not have made a better choice. See them for yourself here: 


There's something ridiculously wholesome 
about this woman (she's a model) that I think 
is just crazy sexy. What say you?


I had a dog that lazy once...

It's almost as if every day of the week there's a "Who's the biggest jerkoff politician" contest, and he's in the running at least 5 out of every 7 days. What a fuckin' headcase.


'Sweetheart Grips' during WWII. Soldiers were known to take precious family photos and put them under clear grips on their pistols.
Killin' Natzees and Japs and thinkin'of Mom and Dad.


LA County sheriff: Deputies won't enforce Newsom's stay-at-home order. Sheriff Villanueva said 'Businesses been through enough, they don't need this shit, too.' My kinda guy.

I'll leave you with one grand gesture:


The inside of the guitar looks like an loft apartment in the Village in New York City that I'd love to have but could never afford.

A grueling nine-hour search for a missing elderly man in New Jersey came to an end last week when his dog led an off-duty police officer to the owner. Fred Rapp, 78, was reported missing to Manchester Police on Nov. 27. Officers started a search for Rapp that evening, but were unable to contact him.
Using GPS data from Rapp’s cell phone, police were able to locate him somewhere within the wooded areas around NJ State Route 37 between Toms River and Berkley Township, which includes the 251-acre Crossley Preserve. During the search, police said they used a humvee, a drone and a newly-acquired ATV to locate Rapp, but all of these methods were unsuccessful. At 5:45 a.m. the next morning, Rapp was found by an off-duty Sgt. named Charles Brooks, who was hunting in the area.
Brooks noticed a dog, Petie, which he would later discover was Rapp’s, wandering along a trail. The officer followed the dog’s footprints several hundred yards and found Rapp, sitting near where he crashed his car.


Got on of these for the shop last week. 
Works like a champ.

It's reasonably priced, too. Take a look:

Very, very subtle Al Bundy. 
Brilliantly subtle. 
I dig subtle.


Take the pain out of gift shopping:
Right click on this banner and it will open in a new tab:


The jewelry my wife makes is 
available for great gift ideas. 

Thanks to all of you readers and friends that have been ordering items from her for Christmas presents. 
You guys are great and I really appreciate what you're doing for her. 

Wanna see some for yourself? Click here:


What my Mondays are usually like...




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Here's the UK fucking us out of more money again...

And the EU isn't far behind with a similar 'Travel Fee' starting next year. Okay, it's only $ 12.90 per person at today'...