Friday, November 13, 2020

We oughta start a war against them all.

 The media that is - I've gotten to the point where I just can't believe any of 'em... 


It's true - virtually no one reports anything any more. It's all just talking heads - pinheads at that - and opinion mongers. Fuck 'em all on all sides.

If that's reporting, I'm an old black lady.




Oh - yer havin' a hurricane? Lemme go check it out... Thing looks like a friggin' dinosaur, don't it? This is in Naples on a public golf course. He crosses that little stream thing in front of him and he's at somebody's back door. That'll peg the old 'FuckThat-o-Meter'...

Food for thought for those times when 
ya wanna ponder the unponderable.


"Before you marry a person you should first make them use a computer with slow Internet to see who they really are."     
- Will Ferrell         



Wow - talk about utility. 
The knife comes with four different blades you can switch off depending 
on what yer using it for. That's downright friggin' cool...

Check this amazing knife out here: 


A massive Macy’s holiday tree set up in Ohio appeared mangled with missing branches in a photo that went viral  this week — sparking quips that it’s the ultimate symbol of 2020.
The 65-foot-tall Norway spruce erected in Cincinnati’s Fountain Square on Saturday is shown in the photo with still-tied-up branches, giving it a pathetic, slumped over look. “Not sure what happened to the Christmas tree at Fountain Square but it’s the most #Christmas2020 tree ever,” one observer wrote on Twitter.


“The best way to get most husbands to do something is to suggest that perhaps they’re too old to do it.”

- Ann Bancroft      


If pols like her don't scare the livin' shit outta you, I swear ya gotta be brain-dead. What is it about that city that they just keep electing absolute fuckin' nut cases?

Miss Idaho 1935 featured in a somewhat 
bizarre potato photoshoot.

These poor bastards are in a rudder-less boat with no sails and a blind captain at the helm. I can not tell you how absofuckinlutely happy I am not to be living there anymore.


It’s not exactly divine intervention, but even the pope considers the U.S. presidential race to be over.  Joe Biden, a so-called lifelong Roman Catholic, spoke to Pope Francis on Thursday and thanked Francis for “extending blessings and congratulations and noted his appreciation.”

There's some metaphors in there
 but I ain't going for 'em.

You can get ones like these at Home Depot for $ 13.00 bucks apiece, or you can get them here for $ 5.00 a piece, and I think these are brighter than the others. If I could get a good night time picture of the front garden at the house I'd show ya - they look pretty cool.



Democratic leaders have complained that issues AOC is closely associated with - such as defunding the police and socialism - were weaponized by Republicans in this year's election season and contributed to the party's losses. In the face of this criticism, AOC defended her views during a virtual town hall meeting on Thursday. While she acknowledged that some critics - including some in her own party - were 'apoplectic' over the idea, she complained that too much funding is pumped into the NYPD to the detriment of other preventative safety measures.
I still think she's kinda cute. Yeah, I know, that's fucked up. Okay.


Okay - that's the THIRD trip to Ireland I've cancelled 
this year. That really sucks.


“All men make mistakes, but married
 men find out about them sooner.”

- Red Skelton      

Perspective's a bitch,ain't it? How about this - this is the dark side of the moon captured from one millions miles away. 1,000,000 miles away.

Right click on the banner to open in a new tab:


I'm gonna leave you with this, okay?



This just fascinates the shit out of me. It's amazing how 'tolerant' people will become just to be seen as 'liberal' and 'progressive'. They'll actually allow the destruction of civility and community standards to do it. 

Homeless encampments on sidewalks throughout Los Angeles are being dubbed 'McMansions' because some are now fitted with showers, grills and even ACs. Some of the homeless people living in tents scattered across the city have started using city fire hydrants to provide their living spaces with running water and showers.  Others are also using city street lights so they can have electricity inside their tents.  


Do you keep a First Aid kit 
in your vehicle? 
If you don't, don'tcha think ya should?

This is a pretty good one and it'll fit under your front seat if ya don't 
wanna keep it in the trunk. Take a look - it's on sale for $ 28.00 bucks:
Comes complete with a FREE Bonus 32-Piece Mini First Aid Kit

Angel, a Brooklyn College student, was selected Miss Beatnik of 1959. She is posing on MacDougal Street, in front of a 1931 Chevrolet Independence wood-wheeled roadster.



"Marriage is a wonderful invention: then again, 
so is the bicycle repair kit."  
 - Billy Connolly          


These are certainly fucked times - there's very little to doubt about that. Even if Trump does in fact lose the election and that mumbling idiot gets the job, there'll still be no limit to the fuckin' craziness that'll still be taking place in the streets all over the country. 
To this line of thinking, it might be good to realize that something as legal - and as fearsome - as this might fit very smartly under the front seat of your car or truck, if ya know what I mean...

This is the McCoy - the real deal. 
The same fighting knife issued by the USMC.
Find it here:




  1. The homeless in LA? That's how the slums in Brazil started,

    1. LA went to shit 50 years ago. I was there in the 70's

  2. Frank's a Commie and another cafeteria Catholic, so it's just professional courtesy.


What - a doll...