Saturday, November 14, 2020

The media doesn't think much of us, do they? They think we're all idiots.

 I'm so old, I can remember when... 

Ah - fuck it. What difference does it make anymore...


Despicable. How do they even exist? It fascinates me.


Is it really a 'spike' as they keep calling it, or is the infection rate constant and the reporting of infections just increased exponentially? This is what I wrestle with - you really have to think THROUGH all that's being reported, because, even if it is intrinsically true, it's still skewed for whatever reason.

And boy, ain't this the truth...




And a whole new wave of lockdowns is beginning almost everywhere because it certainly didn't work before, but let's do it again and see if we get a different result. Jeez - what fuckin' morons.


This is reported to have been in France a couple of years ago on Veterans Day. A then 93 year old former American GI (on the right) was introduced (by his Grand-daughter) to one of the Holocaust survivors he liberated from a concentration camp while serving with the 6th Armored Division of the US Third Army in 1945.


A fitness tracker/smart watch for under $ 40.00? 


I don't know that I'll ever have that much free time 
that I'd ever even wanna do something like that.


They do go out of their way to just piss him off - but to what end? 
He IS still in charge chucklehead. 

In a Rose Garden address on Friday, the commander-in-chief said they would distribute a COVID-19 vaccine across the United States as soon as April, but would not send it to the hard-hit Empire State because Cuomo doesn’t trust it.
“As soon as April, the vaccine will be available to the entire general population with the exception of places like New York state where, for political reasons, the governor decided to say — and I don’t think it’s good politically, I think it’s very bad from a health standpoint — but he wants to take his time with a vaccine,” Trump said.




Ya know, I always thought of myself as a Maryanne kinda guy, but as I approach (holy fuck) my 70's, I'm starting to realized how stupid that was. Maryanne woulda been a helluva lot more high maintenance than Ginger. Of course ya always go with the hot babe that ya know is gonna throw you a well-educated toss once in a while. WTF was I thinking?

If she ain't an example of the old 'What's good for the goose don't mean shit to the gander' school of 'fuck-you, I'm above all that', nobody is. Ya follow me on that Skippy?


Have kids? Having a party? Have in-laws and 
other people you don't wanna let in the house? 
Holidays are coming. Stay safe.

Easy to use and really inexpensive. Find one for yourself here:


My childhood neighborhood theater, on the corner of Elwood Avenue and Broadway in Newark, NJ. Going on Saturdays became a ritual for us. This picture is most likely from 1959 or 1960 - that's about when I started to go every week. In those days it probably cost a quarter to get in, and yes - one whole half-side of the theater was smoking, the other non, if that made any sense... 

First cartoons started at around 11:00, then a couple of shorts, and finally a double feature. We'd get out around 4:30 or so and walk home - a good couple of miles. We'd still 'get home before the street lights came on'.


I'll leave ya with these coupla items today:
I think  this one must be from a porn flick - I googled 'Little Caprice' when I saw the tag line - YIKES...



Boy, ain't THAT the friggin' truth. AND it just keeps on gettin' more and more fucked up as I go along. Amazing how that works, huh?

Mommy - the kids next door are 
having another pissing contest...


Right click on the banner to open it in a new tab and see if there isn't something there that you just absolutely, positively havta have:






The first one I had of these was when 
I was in Boy Scouts back in the 60's. 

I found it here - take a look:


  1. My old home town's movie theater had been closed for maybe 2 decades before a local group got together, raised fund and refurbished it. It now does both local stage productions as well as old movies.

    Fun fact - there had been lights along the walls with their glass coverings painted with what everyone thought were random circles and flowers. A friend, one of the volunteer group, told me that as they were cleaning a century of dust off, they realized that at some point in the century that the place had been in business, the risque women siting in a field had been given some modesty paint

  2. Our local theater fell into the hands of a few dandy's. All they do is poetry reading, performance art and radical BS plays. I'd have rather it burned instead of falling into the hands of light loafer crowd.

    1. The arts are what they are Pete - different people like different stuff. I myself enjoy a rousing staging of dancing water buffaloes in tutus...


A cartoon I don't quite get...

  ...       Click on the picture for more information on this beautiful bracelet. It's a one of a kind, handmade gift - and it comes to ...